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Langate 3000 infrastructure

This repository is here to hold the langate infrastructure. It is composed of the frontend, the backend, netcontrol, and the nginx server.


Technical documentation is available here (in french).


Please read carefully the file before any contribution.

Installing and running the langate locally

  • Installation:
git clone [email protected]:InsaLan/langate-3000.git
cp .env.dist .env
# edit your .env with your local settings, then:
chmod 0600 .env
  • To start the containers:
docker compose -f docker-compose-beta.yml up --build

You can also pass the -d argument to "detach" the container from the terminal, or run it in the background.

  • Then to stop the containers:
docker compose -f docker-compose-beta.yml down

The website is available at the value of WEBSITE_HOST which should be or gate.localhost depending on where it's running. Its API backend is available at api.WEBSITE_HOST.

The "beta" environment is available at beta.WEBSITE_HOST and it's own API at api.beta.WEBSITE_HOST.

There is hotreload for the front (with vite), back (with django runserver), and nginx (thanks to a custom script)

Running the prod environment

  • Put 0 in the .env file for the DEV variable.

  • Build the images:

docker compose -f docker-compose build
  • Run the following command :
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
  • To stop the prod environment :
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down

The frontend is available at WEBSITE_HOST and its API at api.WEBSITE_HOST.

Cleanup DB

Between two events, the database needs to be cleaned. This will remove all users and devices.

rm -rf volumes

The only persistent elements (marks and whitelisted devices) are stored in backend/assets/misc.

Cleanup containers

Docker can take a lot of disk space with all the images. You have a few options to clean it up:

  • To remove all the containers and images:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down --rmi all && docker compose -f docker-compose-beta.yml down --rmi all
  • To remove all the custom images (the ones we build and not the ones we pull from docker hub):
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down --rmi local && docker compose -f docker-compose-beta.yml down --rmi local