The IBPCommons library contains the features common to projects developed by Digitalabs for GCP. It is used by BreedingManager, DatasetImporter, Fieldbook, GermplasmStudyBrowser, IBPWebService and IBPWorkbench.
IBPCommons is dependent on Middleware. To build the Middleware project, run the following command in the IBPMiddleware directory:
mvn clean install
To build using a specific configuration, run the following:
mvn clean install -DenvConfig=dev-config-dir
To build IBPCommons, run the following command in the IBPCommons directory:
mvn clean install
To build using a specific configuration, run the following:
mvn clean install -DenvConfig=dev-config-dir
To build using Eclipse, right-click on the IBPCommons project, select Run As --> Maven build..., then input any of the following:
clean install
clean install -DenvConfig=dev-config-dir
To run JUnit tests using the command line, issue the following commands in the IBPCommons directory:
- To run all tests:
mvn clean test
- To run a specific test class:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestClassName
- To run a specific test function:
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestClassName#testFunctionName
You need to specify the IBDB database to connect to in the file.
All JUnit test suites require the rice database, except for GenotypicDataManager that uses the groundnut crop in testing.
Similar to building IBPCommons, add the -DenvConfig parameter to use a specific configuration.
To run JUnit tests using Eclipse, right-click on the specific JUnit test suite in the IBPCommons project, select Run As --> JUnit test.
To add IBPCommons as a dependency to your project using Apache Maven, add the following to your list of dependencies:
groupId: org.generationcp artifactId: ibpcommons version: 1.3.0
Take note of the version. Use of the latest version is recommended.
The project is stored in the GIT repository hosted at The URL for the repository is:
An anonymous account may be used to checkout the project.
No username and password is required. You can also browse the content of the repository using the same URL.