Components: Pipeline: Visualization:
- Get the repository on your local machine
- Install the environment manager conda
- Install Python
- Install the folowing Python Packages with pip:
- dash
- dash-bootstrap-components
- dash-core-components
- dash-html-components
- dash-table
- pandas
- plotly
- numpy
- rRNA-genes file 'rRNA_genes_type.txt' Format: gene_id,type SCOr01,5S SCOr02,23S SCOr03,16S
- Command for execution
The command can only be executed if you are in the same folder as the pipeline
nextflow run --reads "fastq.gz" --reference <.fna.gz> --gff <*.gff.gz> --rRNAgenes rRNA_genes_type.txt -profile conda Note: The read files and the rRNA_genes_type.txt file need to be in the same directory as the pipeline - Additional parameters --paired Paired end reads --noQuali Disable quality control --noQualiRNA Disable quality control RNASeq --noCounts Disable feature counts --noDepletionQC Disable depletion Analysis --featureCountsS FeatureCounts attribute strandedness: unstranded, reverse or forward strandness (default: reverse) --g FeatureCounts attribute to group features (default: locus_tag) --t FeatureCounts attribute that should be counted (default: transcript) --extraAttributes FeatureCounts extra attriutes divided by comma (default: gene_name) --M FeatureCounts: Count multi-mapping reads --O FeatureCounts: Count reads overlapping features --fraction FeatureCounts: Fractional counts for multi-mapping/overlapping features (must be used together with -M or -O)
Command for execution: The command can only be executed if you are in the same folder as the file, in this case you have to move to the 'bin' folder python3
Output example: Dash is running on
- Serving Flask app 'app'
- Debug mode: on
- After running th command above, the Dash app is running under the address displayed in the command line example: Link can be opend with any browser