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Contribution Guidelines for Developers

Kherld edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 6 revisions


We welcome and encourage all pull requests. But first:

1. Match coding style (braces, spacing, etc.) This is best achieved using the `Reformat Code` feature of Android Studio `CMD`+`Option`+`L` on Mac and `CTRL` + `ALT` + `L` on Linux + Windows.
2. If it's a feature, bugfix, or anything please only change the code to what you specify.
3. Please keep PR titles easy to read and descriptive of changes, this will make them easier to merge :)
4. Pull requests **must** be made against the `develop` branch. Any other branch (unless specified by the maintainers) will get rejected.
5. Check for existing issues first, before filing an issue.
6. Make sure you follow the set standard as all other projects in this repo do
7. Keep calm and make it easy.

We welcome and encourage you to report issues and contribute changes

  • Please help with documentation
  • Fork and clone this repository

See development environment and tool chain

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