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GET api questions

Kherld edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

Retrieve All Questions or Paginate Through Them.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of quiz questions. You can either retrieve all questions or paginate through them to limit the number of results per page.

Endpoint URL


This endpoint retrieves all questions or paginated through them.


  • page (optional, integer): Specifies the page number of the results. Defaults to page 1 if not provided.
  • limit (optional, integer): Limits the number of questions per page. Defaults to no limit if not provided.
  • items_per_page (optional, integer): Specifies the maximum number of items to display per page. Defaults to 100 items per page if not provided.
  • month (optional, string): Filters questions by the event month. If provided, only questions related to the specified month will be returned.


200 OK: Returns a list of quiz questions. The response includes pagination information if applicable. The response is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • questions: An array of questions.

  • page: The current page number.

  • per_page: The number of results per page.

  • total_pages: The total number of pages.

        "id": 1,
        "question": "What is the greatest worship?",
        "question_type": "multiple-choice",
        "answers": ["the prayer", "Zakat", "unification. -- Tawheed"],
        "correct_answer": "unification. -- Tawheed",
        "event_month": "null"
      // ... (more questions)


  • 400: If the provided pagination parameters (page, limit, or items_per_page) are invalid
  • 404: If there are no questions available based on the provided filters.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: If there's an issue with retrieving the questions from the server.

Example Usage

Retrieve All Questions

Request: GET /api/questions

Response: Returns all available quiz questions.

Paginate Through Questions

Request: GET /api/questions?page=2&limit=10

Retrieves the second page of quiz questions with a limit of 10 questions per page.

Filter by Event Month

Request: GET /api/questions?month=Muharram

Retrieves quiz questions related to the event month of Muharram.