This project is an internship challenge from Magrathea Labs. The challenge consists in to build a web application that's allows to mark twitter hashtags and collect tweets and retweets with it. Is also possible remove the marked hashtags. After collect, the app should to show the tweets as a list by hashtag on front-end.
On this repository you will find:
- A RESTful API with Java SpringBoot
- The most common mapping REST requests, as DELETE, GET and POST
- The pattern SpringBoot Web Security
- Authentication with Twitter OAuth and JWT Token
git clone
You need to edit applications properties, as below
Note that, you will need a twitter developer account and create a twitter app at standard v1.1 API. After that, you need to set the Database configurations url, user and password and the keys from your twitter app.
First you'll need to install this external requirements
- I'm using Java 11.
- I'm using Maven 3.6 too
- I'm also are using MySQL 5.7
- If you want to run this project with an IDE we recommended that you install the plugins of lombok. There are in mostful Java IDE's like Eclipse, IntelliJ and VsCode.
cd mark_hashtags-back
mvn spring-boot:run
Before running tests you will need to disable JWT filter on Security Config class
To avoid unique constraints errors on save tests, make sure that your database tables are empty
First you'll need to install the docker +19.03 and docker-compose +1.17 Second you'll need to install the Maven +3.6.
cd mark_hashtags-back
mvn -N io.takari:maven:0.7.7:wrapper
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
docker-compose up --build
Running at localhost:8080
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