2D Twitch battle game
This game has been made for educational purpose during the first year of the Msc Video Game programming in Gaming Campus with the supervision of Matthieu GOLSENNE.
Learn about the SOLID principles, various design patterns, good practices in Unity and C# and various advanced notions of Unity.
Unity 2020.3 C#
Lionel JANIN
Killian PEREZ
1 month
- Implement the connection with twitch and the chat's commands
- Implement the Google Sheet usage to change our game settings
- Create a global GameState to manage the game
- Implement the Input Patern to play in multiplayer on a round base game
- Add the local player to let the streamer play with his keyboard
- SOLID Principles
- Scriptable Objects
- Coroutines, Tweening, Animator Curves
- Unity event system
- Unity audio system
- Design patterns: Singleton, State, Component, Observer, Command, Object Pool
- JSON Api
- Memory management
- Delegates and C# Events
- Tasks
- LinQ
- TCP Clients
- Google Sheet API
- Twitch Chatbots
- Make a save and load system in Unity
- tons of good practice tips
The assets used in this project have been made by Jean DUCAMP.