思路: 按顺序保存已知的丑数,下一个是已知丑数中某三个数乘以2,3,5中的最小值
def get_ugly(n):
ugly = [1]
t2, t3, t5 = 0, 0, 0 # 分别标记乘以2,3,5的丑数索引
while n > 1:
while ugly[t2] * 2 <= ugly[-1]:
t2 += 1
while ugly[t3] * 3 <= ugly[-1]:
t3 += 1
while ugly[t5] * 5 <= ugly[-1]:
t5 += 1
ugly.append(min([ugly[t2]*2, ugly[t3]*3, ugly[t5]*5]))
n -= 1
return ugly[-1](''.join([str(num) for num in sorted(nums, cmp=cmp)]))
思路: 使用两个hash,一个记录每个字符穿线的次数,另一个记录每个字符第一次出现的位置
def first_not_repeating_char(string):
if not string:
return -1
count = {}
loc = {}
for k, s in enumerate(string):
count[s] = count[s] + 1 if count.get(s) else 1
loc[s] = loc[s] if loc.get(s) else k
ret = float('inf')
for k in loc.keys():
if count.get(k) == 1 and loc[k] < ret:
ret = loc[k]
return ret
思路: 归并排序,先把数组依次拆开,然后合并的时候统计逆序对数目,并排序
import copy
def get_inverse_pairs(nums):
if not nums:
return 0
start, end = 0, len(nums) - 1
tmp = copy.deepcopy(nums)
return inverse_pairs(tmp, start, end)
def inverse_pairs(tmp, start, end):
if start == end: # 递归结束条件
return 0
mid = (end - start) / 2 # 分别对左右两边递归求值
left = inverse_pairs(tmp, start, start+mid)
right = inverse_pairs(tmp, start+mid+1, end)
count = 0 # 本次逆序对数目
l_right, r_right = start + mid, end
t = []
while l_right >= start and r_right >= start + mid + 1:
if tmp[l_right] > tmp[r_right]:
count += (r_right - mid - start)
l_right -= 1
r_right -= 1
while l_right >= start:
l_right -= 1
while r_right >= start+mid+1:
r_right -= 1
tmp[start:end+1] = t[::-1]
return count + left + right
思路: 先获取到两个链表的长度,然后长的链表先走多的几步,之后一起遍历
def get_first_common_node(link1, link2):
if not link1 or not link2:
return None
length1 = length2 = 0
move1, move2 = link1, link2
while move1: # 获取链表长度
length1 += 1
move1 = move1.next
while move2:
length2 += 1
move2 = move2.next
while length1 > length2: # 长链表先走多的长度
length1 -= 1
link1 = link1.next
while length2 > length1:
length2 -= 1
link2 = link2.next
while link1: # 链表一起走
if link1 == link2:
return link1
link1, link2 = link1.next, link2.next
return None