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GEE Token Smart Contracts

Last updated: November 1, 2017

Table of Contents


GEE token system consists of multiple smart contracts written in Solidity programming language. This system allows issuing a standards-compliant custom token on the Ethereum network. This documentation explains the purpose and the realisation (including technical details) of each of these contracts.

These contracts were thoroughly tested and all parts were double checked many times. If you are a 'smart contracts' developer and see how these contracts can be optimized even better and made more efficient, please contact us.

During the following days, these contracts will continue to be updated. Before launching them on the main Ethereum network, the block numbers and hard-coded addresses will be modified.

The GEE Token sale will start on 7th of November, 2017. More details:


Main contracts

  • Token
  • GEEToken
  • Crowdsale

Auxiliary contracts

  • Ownable
  • Trustable
  • Pausable
  • MigratableToken


  • SafeMath

Schematic representation

Links to Mermaid Live Editor: GEE Token & GEE Token Sale

Main contracts



This contract defines a standard ERC20 token with some extra functionalities. The contract does not contain 'self-destruct' function, so it has no expiration time.


uint256 public _totalSupply = 100 * (10**6) * (10**8);

Total supply of tokens is 100 million.

 uint256 public crowdsaleEndBlock = 222222222;

A block number that indicates when the Crowdsale ends.

uint256 public constant crowdsaleMaxEndBlock = 444444444;

A block number that indicates the max possible end block number.

mapping (address => uint256) balances;

An array that saves balances of the users.

mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;

A mapping that saves allowances of the users. For example, user A has approved user B to transfer from him X tokens.


event Burn(address indexed _from, uint256 _value);

The event that is triggered when tokens are burned. The indexed parameters allow filtering events by specific addresses.

event CrowdsaleEndChanged (uint256 _crowdsaleEnd, uint256 _newCrowdsaleEnd);

The event that is triggered when crowdsale end block has been changed.

    function totalSupply() external constant returns (uint256 totalTokenSupply) {
        totalTokenSupply = _totalSupply;

A function that return total supply of the token.


function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount)
    returns (bool success)
    balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].SUB(_amount);
    balances[_to] = balances[_to].ADD(_amount);
    Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
    return true;

A function that allows transferring tokens to a specified address. During the Crowdsale only trusted address can call this function.

function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount)
    returns (bool success)
    //Require allowance to be not too big
    require(allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _amount);
    balances[_from] = balances[_from].SUB(_amount);
    balances[_to] = balances[_to].ADD(_amount);
    allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].SUB(_amount);
    Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);
    return true;

A function that allows transferring tokens from one address to another. During the Crowdsale only trusted address can call this function.

function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount)
    returns (bool success)
    allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount;
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
    return true;

Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.

function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
    returns (uint256 remaining)
    return allowed[_owner][_spender];

Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.

function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint256 _addedValue)
    returns (bool success)
    uint256 increased = allowed[msg.sender][_spender].ADD(_addedValue);
    require(increased <= balances[msg.sender]);
    //Cannot approve more coins then you have
    allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = increased;
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
    return true;

To increment allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until the first transaction is mined).

function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint256 _subtractedValue)
    returns (bool success)
    uint256 oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender];
    if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) {
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0;
    } else {
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.SUB(_subtractedValue);
    Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
    return true;

To decrease allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until the first transaction is mined).

    function burn(uint256 _value) external returns (bool success) {
        //Subtract from the sender
        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].SUB(_value);
        //Update _totalSupply
        _totalSupply = _totalSupply.SUB(_value);
        Burn(msg.sender, _value);
        return true;

Allows trusted address burning a specific amount of his tokens. This function is intended to be called after the Crowdsale to burn the unsold tokens.

    function updateCrowdsaleEndBlock (uint256 _crowdsaleEndBlock) external onlyOwner {

        require(block.number <= crowdsaleEndBlock);                 //Crowdsale must be active
        require(_crowdsaleEndBlock >= block.number);
        require(_crowdsaleEndBlock <= crowdsaleMaxEndBlock);        //Transfers can only be unlocked earlier

        uint256 currentEndBlockNumber = crowdsaleEndBlock;
        crowdsaleEndBlock = _crowdsaleEndBlock;
        CrowdsaleEndChanged (currentEndBlockNumber, _crowdsaleEndBlock);

Allows owner setting the new end block number to extend/close Crowdsale.

function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public afterCrowdsale  {

This function prohibits transferring the ownership when the Crowdsale is active.

function pause() public afterCrowdsale  {

This function prohibits pausing the contract when the Crowdsale is active.


modifier canTransferOnCrowdsale (address _address) {
    if (block.number <= crowdsaleEndBlock) {
        //Require the end of funding or msg.sender to be trusted

Only trusted addresses can call functions that are marked with this modifier.

modifier afterCrowdsale {
    require(block.number > crowdsaleEndBlock);

Some functions may only be executed when the Crowdsale is over.



A contract that defines the essential information of the token and allocates a specified amount of tokens to the team.


string public constant name = "Geens Platform Token";

Name of the token is Geens Platform Token. It cannot be changed later.

string public constant symbol = "GEE";

Symbol of the token is GEE. It cannot be changed later.

uint8 public constant decimals = 8;

Token has 8 decimal places. It cannot be changed later.

address public constant TEAM0 = 0x3eC28367f42635098FA01dd33b9dd126247Fb4B1;

The zero address of the team that receives 2.4% of tokens.

address public constant TEAM1 = 0x3eC28367f42635098FA01dd33b9dd126247Fb4B1;

The first address of the team that receives 3.6% of tokens that can only be spent after the half of the year.

address public constant TEAM2 = 0xE2832C2Ff2754923B3172474F149630823ecb8D6;

Second address of the team that receives 6% of tokens that can only be spent after the year.

uint256 public constant BLOCK_TEAM1 = 1835640;

A block number when the first team wallet's tokens are unlocked.

uint256 public constant BLOCK_TEAM2 = 1835650;

A block number when the second team wallet's tokens are unlocked.

uint256 public team1Balance;

Indicates how many tokens a first wallet of the team has.

uint256 public team2Balance;

Indicates how many tokens a second wallet of the team has.

uint256 private constant TEAM0_THOUSANDTH = 24;


uint256 private constant TEAM1_THOUSANDTH = 36;


uint256 private constant TEAM1_THOUSANDTH = 36;


uint256 private constant ICO_AND_COMMUNITY_THOUSANDTH = 880;


uint256 private constant DENOMINATOR = 1000;



function GEEToken() {
        uint256 icoAndCommunityTokens = _totalSupply * ICO_AND_COMMUNITY_THOUSANDTH / DENOMINATOR;
    	//88% of _totalSupply
        balances[msg.sender] = icoAndCommunityTokens;
        //2.4% of _totalSupply
        balances[TEAM0] = _totalSupply * TEAM0_THOUSANDTH / DENOMINATOR;
        //3.6% of _totalSupply
        team1Balance = _totalSupply * TEAM1_THOUSANDTH / DENOMINATOR;
        //6% of _totalSupply
        team2Balance = _totalSupply * TEAM2_THOUSANDTH / DENOMINATOR;

        Transfer (this, msg.sender, icoAndCommunityTokens);

Upon creation of the contract, 88% of tokens are allocated to the owner of the contract, 3.6% to the first team wallet and 6% to the second team wallet.

function unlockTeamTokens(address _address) external onlyOwner {
    if (_address == TEAM1) {
        require(BLOCK_TEAM1 <= block.number);
        require (team1Balance > 0);
        balances[TEAM1] = team1Balance;
        team1Balance = 0;
        Transfer (this, TEAM1, team1Balance);
    } else if (_address == TEAM2) {
        require(BLOCK_TEAM2 <= block.number);
        require (team2Balance > 0);
        balances[TEAM2] = team2Balance;
        team2Balance = 0;
        Transfer (this, TEAM2, team2Balance);

A function that allows an owner of the contract unlocking tokens for the team wallet when specified block number is reached. Tokens are transferred to a specified wallet.



A contract that is responsible for handling the Crowdsale operations. It accepts Ether from contributors and issues the corresponding number of tokens.


uint256 public soldTokens;

Counts how many tokens are sold.

uint256 public hardCapInTokens = 67 * (10**6) * (10**8);

Hard Cap of the Crowdsale is 67 million (67% of total amount of tokens). This is the maximum amount of tokens that could be issued.

uint256 public constant MIN_ETHER = 0.03 ether;

A minimum contribution in Ether.

uint256 public constant MAX_ETHER = 1000 ether;

A maximum contribution in Ether.

address fund = 0x77E32B38a4AfdAb4dA3863a1de198809170644Df;

An address where the received Ether is forwarded.

uint256 public constant DAY = 5082;

Indicates how many blocks are mined per day.

uint256 public constant START_BLOCK_NUMBER = 4506960;

A number of the block when the Crowdsale should start.

uint256 public TIER2 = START_BLOCK_NUMBER.ADD(DAY.MUL(3));

A number of the block when the tier2Price price should be active.

uint256 public TIER3 = START_BLOCK_NUMBER.ADD(DAY.MUL(10));

A number of the block when the tier3Price price should be active.

uint256 public TIER4 = START_BLOCK_NUMBER.ADD(DAY.MUL(20));

A number of the block when the tier4Price price should be active.

uint256 public endBlockNumber = START_BLOCK_NUMBER.ADD(DAY.MUL(30));

A number of the block when the Crowdsale should end.

uint256 public maxEndBlockNumber = START_BLOCK_NUMBER.ADD(DAY.MUL(60));

A max number of the block the Crowdsale can end.

uint256 public price;

A price (in Wei) of one token.

uint256 public constant TIER1_PRICE = 6000000;

A price (in Wei) of one token (when tier1 is active).

uint256 public constant TIER2_PRICE = 6700000;

A price (in Wei) of one token (when tier2 is active).

uint256 public constant TIER3_PRICE = 7400000;

A price (in Wei) of one token (when tier3 is active).

uint256 public constant TIER4_PRICE = 8200000;

A price (in Wei) of one token (when tier4 is active).

Token public gee;

Reference to the Token contract.

uint256 public constant SOFT_CAP_IN_ETHER = 13500 ether;

Soft Cap of the Crowdsale is 13'500 Ether. If the soft cap is not reached, contributors will be able to refund their Ether.

mapping (address => uint256) public bought;

Indicates how many Ether has each contributor sent to this contract.

uint256 public collected;

The total amount of Ether collected during the Crowdsale.

uint256 public constant GEE100 = 100 * (10**8);

A constant corresponding to 100 GEE tokens.


event Buy (address indexed _who, uint256 _amount, uint256 indexed _price);

An event that is triggered when someone buys GEE tokens.

event Refund (address indexed _who, uint256 _amount);

An event that is triggered when contributor refunds his Ether.

event CrowdsaleEndChanged (uint256 _crowdsaleEnd, uint256 _newCrowdsaleEnd);

The event that is triggered when crowdsale end block has been changed.


function Crowdsale(Token _geeToken)
    gee = _geeToken;

Before deploying this contract, Token contract must already be deployed. After the Crowdsale, owner can send back Ether if a refund is needed.

function() external payable {
        if (isCrowdsaleActive()) {
        } else { //after crowdsale owner can send back eth for refund
            require (msg.sender == fund || msg.sender == owner);

A Fallback function that is called when someone sends Ether to the contract.

function finalize() external  {
        require(soldTokens != hardCapInTokens);
        if (soldTokens < (hardCapInTokens - GEE100)) {
            require(block.number > endBlockNumber);
        hardCapInTokens = soldTokens;

If the Crowdsale ends and the hard cap is not reached, this functions burns the unsold tokens.

    function buy()
        uint256 amountWei = msg.value;
        uint256 blocks = block.number;

        //Ether limitation
        require(amountWei >= MIN_ETHER);
        require(amountWei <= MAX_ETHER);

        price = getPrice();
        //Count how many GEE sender can buy
        uint256 amount = amountWei / price;
        //Add amount to soldTokens
        soldTokens = soldTokens.ADD(amount);

        require(soldTokens <= hardCapInTokens);

        if (soldTokens >= (hardCapInTokens - GEE100)) {
            endBlockNumber = blocks;

        //counts ETH
        collected = collected.ADD(amountWei);
        bought[msg.sender] = bought[msg.sender].ADD(amountWei);

        //Transfer amount of Gee coins to msg.sender
        gee.transfer(msg.sender, amount);

        //Transfer contract Ether to fund

        Buy(msg.sender, amount, price);

A function responsible for issuing tokens for a contributor. The minimum amount of Ether is 0.03, maximum - 1000. A number of tokens that user can buy are calculated and transferred to his account. Collected Ether is forwarded to a specified funds address. Finally, Buy event is invoked.

function isCrowdsaleActive() public constant returns (bool) {

        if (endBlockNumber < block.number || START_BLOCK_NUMBER > block.number){
            return false;
        return true;

A function that returns whether the Crowdsale is active or not. The possible cases when the Crowdsale is not active are: a) Crowdsale is already finished b) Crowdsale hasn't started c) Crowdsale has been stopped due to emergency situation

function getPrice()
    returns (uint256)
     if (block.number < TIER2) {
        return TIER1_PRICE;
    } else if (block.number < TIER3) {
        return TIER2_PRICE;
    } else if (block.number < TIER4) {
        return TIER3_PRICE;
    return TIER4_PRICE;

Calculates which tier is currently active and returns the corresponding price.

    function setEndBlockNumber(uint256 _newEndBlockNumber) external onlyOwner {
        require(_newEndBlockNumber >= block.number);
        require(_newEndBlockNumber <= maxEndBlockNumber);

        uint256 currentEndBlockNumber = endBlockNumber;
        endBlockNumber = _newEndBlockNumber;
        CrowdsaleEndChanged (currentEndBlockNumber, _newEndBlockNumber);

Allows owner setting the new end block number to extend/close Crowdsale.

function refund() external
        uint256 refund = bought[msg.sender];
        require (!isCrowdsaleActive());
        require (collected < SOFT_CAP_IN_ETHER);
        bought[msg.sender] = 0;
        Refund(msg.sender, refund);

A function that allows contributors receive their contributions back in case a soft cap is not reached or the Crowdsale was stopped due to an emergency situation.

    function drainEther() external onlyOwner {

A function that allows owner to drain Ether from contract to a specified funds address.

Auxiliary contracts



The Ownable contract has an owner address and provides basic authorization control functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions". Essentially, it is responsible for detecting and storing an address of its creator and preventing other addresses from executing certain functions. Any contract which inherits Ownable will have owner set to the caller at the time of its creation, and any of its functions implementing onlyOwner modifier will not accept calls from another account.


address owner;

It is a 20-byte number (Ethereum address) representing the owner of the contract.


event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed _previousOwner, address indexed _newOwner);

The event that is triggered when a new owner is assigned to the contract. The indexed parameters allow filtering events by specific addresses.


    function Ownable() {
        owner = msg.sender;
        OwnershipTransferred (address(0), owner);

A constructor that is called upon creation of the contract. It assigns the ownership of this contract to the creator.

    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner)
        owner = _newOwner;
        OwnershipTransferred(msg.sender, _newOwner);

A function that allows current owner of the contract transferring the ownership to another address.


modifier onlyOwner {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

A modifier that checks that the caller is an owner of the contract. This prevents other users from calling the function that should only be accessible to admin. Only the owner of the contract can call a function that has this modifier. If this requirement is not met, the function will not get executed.

modifier notZeroAddress(address _address) {
    require(_address != address(0));

A modifier that checks that the parameter of type address is not zero (0x0). This prevents from passing an invalid address to the functions.



A contract that is responsible for storing addresses that are considered safe. These addresses are able to call certain functions that are otherwise is not available for a typical user. For example, to prevent from fraud, token transfers are locked during the Crowdsale. However, trusted addresses can transfer tokens even when the Crowdsale is ongoing.


mapping (address => bool) trusted;

An array that indicates whether an address is privileged to call certain functions.


       event AddTrusted (address indexed _trustable);

The event that is triggered when a new trusted address is assigned. The indexed parameters allow filtering events by specific addresses.

       event RemoveTrusted (address indexed _trustable);

The event that is triggered when a trusted address is unassigned. The indexed parameters allow filtering events by specific addresses.


function Trustable() {
    trusted[msg.sender] = true;

The creator of the contract is initially added to the trusted addresses list.

function addTrusted(address _address)
        trusted[_address] = true;

A function that allows the owner of the contract adding an address to the list of trusted addresses.

function removeTrusted(address _address)
        trusted[_address] = false;

A function that allows the owner of the contract removing an address from the list of trusted addresses.



This contract allows pausing the contract in case of emergency situation. It also allows prohibiting certain functions from being executed when the contract is paused.


bool public paused;

Indicates whether the contract is paused or not.

uint256 public pauseBlockNumber;

Block number indicating when the contract was paused. Upon creation of the contract, its value is 0.

uint256 public resumeBlockNumber;

Block number indicating when the contract was resumed. Upon creation of the contract, its value is 0.


event Pause(uint256 _blockNumber);

The event that is triggered when the contract is paused. It displays the block number indicating when this happened.

event Unpause(uint256 _blockNumber);

The event that is triggered when the contract is unpaused. It displays the block number indicating when this happened.


    function pause()
        paused = true;
        pauseBlockNumber = block.number;
        resumeBlockNumber = 0;

This function sets the variable "paused" to be true. The contract goes into the paused state.

function unpause()
        paused = false;
        resumeBlockNumber = block.number;
        pauseBlockNumber = 0;

This function sets the variable "paused" to be false. The contract reverts into the normal state.


modifier whenNotPaused {

A modifier that checks if the contract is paused or not. If it is paused, the further execution of the function is not possible and the whole transaction is reverted.

modifier whenPaused {

A modifier that checks if the contract is paused or not. If it is not paused, the further execution of the function is not possible and the whole transaction is reverted.



A contract that allows upgrading the token and migrate the balances from old contract to the new one.


MigrateAgent public migrateAgent;

The new Token contract.

uint256 public totalMigrated;

Indicates how many tokens are migrated so far. v


enum MigrateState {Unknown, NotAllowed, WaitingForAgent, ReadyToMigrate, Migrating}

List of states of the migration.


event Migrate (address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);

An event that is triggered when the tokens are migrated to the new contract.

event MigrateAgentSet (address _agent);

An event that is triggered when the new migrate agent is set.


function migrate(uint256 _value) external {
    MigrateState state = getMigrateState();
    //Migrating has started
    require(state == MigrateState.ReadyToMigrate || state == MigrateState.Migrating);
    //Migrates user balance
    balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].SUB(_value);
    //Migrates total supply
    _totalSupply = _totalSupply.SUB(_value);
    //Counts migrated tokens
    totalMigrated = totalMigrated.ADD(_value);
    //Upgrade agent reissues the tokens
    migrateAgent.migrateFrom(msg.sender, _value);
    Migrate(msg.sender, migrateAgent, _value);

If migration is enabled, transfer the balance from the old contract to the new one.

 function setMigrateAgent(MigrateAgent _agent)
        //cannot interrupt migrating
        require(getMigrateState() != MigrateState.Migrating);
        //set migrate agent
        migrateAgent = _agent;
        //Emit event

Set a reference to the new Token. This is only possible when the migration has not already been started.

function getMigrateState() public constant returns (MigrateState) {
    if (block.number <= crowdsaleEndBlock) {
        //Migration is not allowed on funding
        return MigrateState.NotAllowed;
    } else if (address(migrateAgent) == address(0)) {
        //Migrating address is not set
        return MigrateState.WaitingForAgent;
    } else if (totalMigrated == 0) {
        //Migrating hasn't started yet
        return MigrateState.ReadyToMigrate;
    } else {
        return MigrateState.Migrating;

Returns the current state of the Migration contract.




A contract that provides basic Math operations with safety checks that throw on error. This library is used instead of standard arithmetic operations to avoid integer overflows/underflows. Generally, an overflow happens when the limit of the type variable uint256 is exceeded. What happens is that the value resets to zero instead of incrementing more. An underflow happens when you try to subtract x minus a number bigger than x. For example, if you subtract 1-2 the result will be = 2^256 instead of -1. Note: this library provides safe addition, subtraction and multiplication. A safe division is not necessary, as all cases are already handled by Solidity and if overflow/underflow occurs, a Runtime Error is thrown.


function ADD (uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    assert(c >= a);
    return c;

This function returns the sum of a and b. It checks that the result is not lower than the first parameter. If "assert" fails, all the gas provided is consumed.

function SUB (uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256)  {
    assert(a >= b);
    return a - b;

This function returns the difference between a and b. It checks that a is not lower than b. If "assert" fails, all the gas provided is consumed.

function MUL (uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256)  {
    uint256 c = a * b;
    assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
    return c;

This function returns the product of a and b. It checks that the result is correct (what we actually expect). If "assert" fails, all the gas provided is consumed.

The GEE Token sale will start on 7th of November, 2017. More details:


GEE Token & GEE Token Sale smart contracts






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