1.9.22: [2022-09-29] James Heinrich :: 1.9.22-202207161647
- bugfix #387 fails to detect h265 video codec (QuickTime)
- bugfix #385 Quicktime extended atom size
- bugfix #378 AAC bitrate cache warning
- bugfix #376 simplexml_load_string improvments
- bugfix #374 MOD improved SoundTracker support
- bugfix #371 fragmented MP4 unsupported warning
- bugfix #369 fix remote URLs pattern
- bugfix #366 change @error-suppress to isset (quicktime)
- bugfix #365 ZIP array offset on value of type int
- bugfix #364 add support for ANIMEXTS1.0 in GIF files
- bugfix #363 ASF improve support of Header Extension Object data
- bugfix #362 version update for ramsey/composer-install
- bugfix #359 MPEG-2 aspect ratio divide-by-zero
- bugfix #358 free format mp3 bitrate
- bugfix #355 undefined array key in ID3v2 chapters
- bugfix #352 avoid false detection of Musepack format
- bugfix #351 Incorrect length passed to fread on a flac file
- bugfix #348 more targeted usage of clearstatcache calls
- bugfix #347 fixed reported by PHPStan v0.12.99
- bugfix QuickTime support 'ID32' frame (ID3v2 inside QT)
- bugfix fix various PHP 8.1 issues
- bugfix PDF prevent undefined index