RME stands for Rest Made Easy. The RME is a Javascript library or a framework that will enable user to create single page applications without any configurations at all.
- https://jamilu.github.io/RME/ Online Docs & Examples
- https://github.com/JamiLu/RME/releases/download/v2.0.14/rme.js
- https://github.com/JamiLu/RME/releases/download/v2.0.14/rme.es5.js
- https://github.com/JamiLu/RME/releases/download/v2.0.14/rme.es5.min.js
Install RME:
npm i rme.js
On an appropriate js file import what is needed. Possible imports below:
import {
} from 'rme.js'
Download a script file and place it to a project folder or simply use a github online url as follows.
<script src="https://github.com/JamiLu/RME/releases/download/v2.0.14/rme.es5.min.js"></script>
Or use NPM
npm i rme.js
import { createApp, Component, useValue, Key } from 'rme.js'
Then simply copy paste code clips below to your js file and voilà.
Create the application by the createApp
'#app': {
'div.container': {
ClickAndShowExample, // Component functions must be defined before
TodoExample, // you can reference them here.
Below is shown the exmaple index.html
. The first selector of the create app object should match the selector where the app is desired to be created.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div id="app"></div>
The first exmaple demonstrates use case of the useValue
function that can be used to share a value between components without passing it forward.
const [getValue, setValue] = useValue(0);
const UseValueExample = () => ({
button: {
text: `Press me ${getValue()}`,
onClick: () => setValue(val => val + 1)
The second exmaple introduces the second parameter of the component named ops
. The ops
parameter is an object that has operational functions of the component.
Below is shown the usage of the setState
, updateState
and asyncTask
const TodoExample = ({ list = [] }, ops) => ({
'input[type=text][placeholder=Type & Press Enter to Add]': {
onKeyDown: event => {
if(event.key === Key.ENTER) {
ops.updateState(state => ({
list: state.list
? state.list.concat(event.target.value)
: [event.target.value]
event.target.value = '';
button: {
text: 'Clear list',
onClick: () => ops.setState()
ul: {
li: 'What groceries should I buy?',
_: list.map((val) => ({ li: val }))
The third example shows the two paramters of the component function named props
and ops
. Below is shown the usage of the updateState
const FormExample = ({ fname = '', lname = '' }, ops) => ({
p: `Welcome ${fname} ${lname}`,
Form: {
input: event =>
ops.updateState({ [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
const Form = ({ input }) => ({
'label[for=fname]': 'First name',
'input#fname[type=text][name=fname][placeholder=First name]': {
onInput: input
'label[for=lname]': 'Last name',
'input#lname[type=text][name=lname][placeholder=Last name]': {
onInput: input
Component(FormExample, Form);
The fourth example combines the learned and demonstrates the usage.
const [getCountryList] = useValue([
{country: 'Finland', capital: 'Helsinki'}, {country: 'Sweden', capital: 'Stockholm'}, {country: 'Norway', capital: 'Oslo'},
{country: 'Iceland', capital: 'Reykjavik'}, {country: 'England', capital: 'London'}, {country: 'America', capital: 'Washington'},
{country: 'Mexico', capital: 'Mexico City'}, {country: 'Peru', capital: 'Lima'}, {country: 'Egypt', capital: 'Kairo'},
{country: 'China', capital: 'Beijing'}, {country: 'Japan', capital: 'Tokyo'}, {country: 'South Korea', capital: 'Seoul'},
{country: 'Malaysia', capital: 'Kuala Lumpur'}, {country: 'Namibia', capital: 'Windhoek'}, {country: 'South Africa', capital: 'Cape Town'}]);
const FilterExample = ({ rows }, ops) => {
if (!rows) {
ops.asyncTask(() => ops.setState({rows: getCountryList()}));
const filterList = (keyword) =>
getCountryList().filter((row) =>
.search(keyword) > -1);
return {
'input[type=text][placeholder=Type to Filter Country]': {
onInput: event =>
ops.setState({ rows: filterList(event.target.value) })
MyTable: { rows }
const MyTable = ({ rows = [] }) => ({
table: rows.map(row => ({
tr: [
{ td: row.country },
{ td: row.capital }
Component(FilterExample, MyTable);
Not comprehensive. Just to name few.
- Global functions
- createApp(initAppTemplateObject) Create a new App and insert it into the given locator
- useValue(initialValue) Create a shareable value that can be used between any component
- useMessage(key, ...params) Resolves a given message key
- useMessages(locale, loader) Initialize messages and change locale
- useHashRouter(routes, scrollTop) Initialize and create SPA hash based router component
- useUrlRouter(routes, scrollTop) Initialize and create SPA suitable url based router compoment
- useOnLoadUrlRouter(routes) Initialize and create onload rendered url based router
- useRouter(url) Navigate the router to render the matching component
- Component(...components) Component function receives a comma separate list of component functions.
- CSS(content, properties) Creates a dynamic style component with content and optional properties if given.
- script(src, options) Attach a script file to the dom header
- ready(callback) Add a callback function to be run when the DOM tree is ready. Calling the ready twice will create two callback functions.
- Fetch Uses the Fetch API of the browser
- get(url, contentType) Get request, defaults to JSON
- post(url, body, contentType) Post request, defaults to JSON
- put(url, body, contentType) Put request, defaults to JSON
- patch(url, body, contentType) Patch request, defaults to JSON
- delete(url, contentType) Delete request, defaults to JSON
- do(config) Config object: {url: url, method: method, body: body, contentType: contentType, init: initObject}
- Http Uses XMLHttpRequest object wrapped in the Promise if the browser supports it
- get(url, contentType) Get request, defaults to JSON
- post(url, data, contentType) Post request, defaults to JSON
- put(url, data, contentType) Put request, defaults to JSON
- patch(url, data, contentType) Patch request, defaults to JSON
- delete(url, contentType) Delete request, defaults to JSON
- do(config) Config object: {method: method, url: url, data: data, contentType: contentType, onProgress: function(event), onTimeout: function(event), headers: {"header": "value"} }
- Elem
- constructor(type|html) If type is string creates a new JavaScript element of that type OR If type is JavaScript html object then only wraps that object inside of this Elem object
- render(elem, elem, elem|arrayOfElems|arrayOfElems, arrayOfElems, elem) Renders the Elem instance objects that contain html data to insert into the HTML document tree. Can render multiple elements.
- append(elem) Appends an element inside this Elem
- remove(elem) Removes an element from thie Elem
- replace(elem) Replaces THIS elemet with NEW
- before(elem) Inserts new element before this
- after(elem) Inserts new element after this
- wrap(html) Returns wrapped html object (Elem instance)
- create(type) Returns new JavaScript html object (Elem instance)
- wrapElems(elemArray) Returns an Array of wrapped html objects if many or one if only one. (Elem instances)
- dom() Returns the javascript html object that this (Elem instance) holds
- and many many many more methods. All setter methods and methods that does not return some value are so called Builder methods that they can chained as follows setText("text").setName("name").setId("id").setType("text").addClasses("one two three");
- Tree
- get(cssSelector) Returns an Array of Elem objects or one Elem object
- getFirst(cssSelector) Returns one Elem object
- getById(id) Returns one Elem object
- getByName(name) Returns an Array of Elem objects or one Elem object
- getByClass(classname) Returns an Array of Elem objects or one Elem object
- getByTag(tag) Returns an array of Elem objects or one Elem object
- getBody() Returns the body wrapped in Elem instance
- getHead() Retuns the head wrapped in Elem instance
- getTitle() Returns document title string
- setTitle(string) Sets document title string
- and other methods that searches elements from the html document tree, but does not return an Elem instance
- Key
- no methods, only Key constants for keyevent such as Key.ENTER
- Util
- many utility methods that this Framework also uses such as.
- isEmpty(value) Returns true if null | undefined | "" | array.length === 0 | object keys === 0
- notEmpty(value) Returns true if the value is not empty !Util.isEmpty
- getType(value) Returns the type of the given value
- isType(value, type) Checks if value is a given type and returns true false accordigly
- isFunction(value)
- isBoolean(value)
- isString(value)
- isNumber(value)
- isSymbol(value)
- isObject(value)
- isArray(value)
- Browser
- All other methods that you might think of that JavaScript has from Window, Navigator, History, Location and Screen objects.
This library is released under a MIT License