Attendance Prediction of Duke Sporting Events.
Predictions for men's football and women's basketball home game attendance from 2016-2023. Training data is from 2016 - 2021. Data from 2022 onwards used for test set.
Code involved sourcing data from a weather API, as well as web scraping for sports dates and scores
- Sourced Data from Various Websites
- attendance_fb.ipynb (
- attendance_wb.ipynb (
- calendar_dates.ipynb (
- weather.ipynb (
- Merging Data Into One File and Performing Initial Cleaning
- Merge
- Performed EDA on Data
- make_charts.ipynb
- Second Cleaning of Data and Feature Engineering Before Modeling
- Modeling & Model Evaluation
Notebooks were used for exploration before solidifying code into .py scripts.
Pulled football attendance data, and relevant game data from wikipedia using web scraping.
Pulled women's basketball attendance data, and relevant game data from wikipedia using web scraping.
Pulled academic calendar data and classified dates as "holiday", "exam", or "class" for use in model
Additive prophet model for men's football attendance predictions
Additive prophet model for women's basketball attendance predictions
Used API to obtain weather data for Duke Men's Football and Women's Basketball gamedays between 2016 - 2023
Performing exploratory data analysis and generating plots used in presentation
Scripts pull and manipulate data using functions. Some initial data updates were done external to scripts, since the data set was so small and manual updates took seconds to complete (vs extended time in code).
Pulled football attendance data, and relevant game data from wikipedia using web scraping.
Pulled women's basketball attendance data, and relevant game data from wikipedia using web scraping.
Pulled academic calendar data and classified dates as "holiday", "exam", or "class" for use in model
Used API to obtain weather data for Duke Men's Football and Women's Basketball gamedays between 2016 - 2023
Merging sourced datasets into aggregate dataset and performing intial cleaning steps
Pulling in aggregated dataset and performing further cleaning steps and feature engineering
Using final dataset from and training a random forest regression on training data (2016 - 2021) and evaluating model metrics on test dataset (2022 onwards)
This folder contains plots generated during exploratory data analysis (from make_charts.ipynb in notebooks folder)
This folder contains aggregated datafile used for feature engineering and modelling (Merged_V13.csv) as well as prediction data from the random forest regression model (mf_pred_df.csv, wb_pred_df.csv) and datafiles used for UI creation (mf_streamlit.csv, wb_streamlit.csv)
This folder contains files used to generate the User Interface (UI) using the streamlit interface