The idea of this project is to design a mobile application that will provide the user the ability to identify a car. The user will initially take a picture of the car within the mobile app. The app will then process the image to determine various dimensions of the car. Based on this information the app will identify the make and model of the car, using the Resnet50 neural network and then return this information along with various other details to the user.
The reason that I want to work on this project is because I could not find a good application in market that provides a car recognition function. I think this type of application is quite useful because there are many types of cars in the world nowadays and not everyone knows about all the cars. This application will make it easier for consumers to know more about the car they want to buy. Besides that, I wanted to gain understanding of mobile application development as this is not one of the modules I am currently studying.
-- CarRecognition: This folder contains the car dataset srubbing, setup model, training ResNet50 model and implement function of car recognition.
-- Mobile Application: This folder contains two folders inside which are 'App' and 'backend' folder. The App folder include the code of React Native Expo Frontend. The backend folder contains the code of car recognition function in python. This backend application is currently running on Google Cloud App Engine to handle the car recognition function. When the user uploads an image from React Native frontend, the backend will receive the image and run the model to implement the car recognition and return the result back to frontend.
This document will outline the steps for running the car recognition project in python. The CarRecognition folder contains the codes of car dataset srubbing, setup ResNet50 model, training ResNet50 model and testing the function of car recognition. The process will include setting up the python libraries, and run a test for a car image recognition. This document will also outline the steps for running the React Native Expo application Car Recognition Mobile Application. The process will include setting up the React Native Expo on a Windows machine, and run the project on either an emulator or physical device.
This project in working on Python 3.10. The requirements that need to be install:
tensorflow==2.12.0 keras==2.12.0 pandas==1.3.5 numpy==1.23.2 Pillow==9.0.1 matplotlib==3.5.3
Save these as a requirements.txt and run this code in command line to install them. 'pip install -r requirement.txt'.
The ResNet50 model had already trained and save in the file. To begin the testing, go to 'CarRecognition\CarRecognition\CarRecognition\resources\test_car' folder and there is a 'download.jpg' image. Change the image to the car that want to recognize and remember to set the name as 'download.jpg'. Open 'Final-Year-Project\CarRecognition\CarRecognition\CarRecognition\' file and run the project to get the prediction result of the car image.
Please download and install Android Studio prior to beginning the following steps The Android SDK version required for this project is 31+ and the Android version is 31+, so when installing Android Studio be sure to select those versions If running on macOS please also install the XCODE and launch it to accept the license agreement The minimum iOS version required for this application is 13+
Download and install Node.js from the official website (
Verify that Node.js is installed by running 'node -v' in your command prompt or terminal. You should see the version number displayed.
Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:
'''npm install -g expo-cli'''
Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the root of the project directory using 'cd' command.
Run the following command to install the project's dependencies: '''npm install'''
This will install all the required packages and dependencies listed in the package.json file for the project.
To test on an emulator, open Android Studio and use the AVD Manager to create a new Virtual Device
This can be done without a project open by selecting Configure > AVD Manager > Create Virtual Device
In older versions of Android Studio it may need to be done by launching Android Studio > Tools > Android > AVD Manager
Once the AVD manager is open and you have selected Create New Virtual Device:
Select the Pixel 4 Phone (recommended)
Select the disk image for Android 33, release name Tiramisu - You may need to download this image if it has not been previously used.
Click next, name and create the device.
Open Xcode and go to "Preferences" > "Components" from the menu bar.
Set the simulator to an iPhone 12 or 13 running iOS 15.4 and click "Download".
Run the following command to start the Expo development server: '''expo start'''
It will show a QR Code image, a metro link and a list of instructions.
Press 'a' then it will open a dialog, select the Android Virtual Device that created.
Wait for the app to build and install on the simulator.
That's it! You should now be able to see the Car Recognition Mobile Application running on the Android simulator.
Download Expo Go application on your device.
Open Expo Go and paste the metro link.
That's it! You should now be able to see the Car Recognition Mobile Application running on the Android device.
In the Expo DevTools, click on the "Run on iOS simulator" option to open the Run dialog box.
Select the simulator device you want to use and click "Run".
Wait for the app to build and install on the simulator.
That's it! You should now be able to see the Car Recognition Mobile Application running on the iOS simulator.
Download Expo Go application on your device.
Scan the QR code that given with your camera after you downloaded the Expo Go and open it.
That's it! You should now be able to see the Car Recognition Mobile Application running on the iOS device.
There is one known issue which could arise during this process:
If running on physical Android Device, it may return error after insert the metro link on the Expo Go application and also the Scan QRCode on the Expo Go is not working.
So if really want to test on the physical Android device, can paste in this url on the Expo Go to open the Car Recognition Mobile Application. (exp:// This is the version that I published to the host.
To use the mobile application, follow the steps below to run the application:
- Download Expo Go on your device (IOS or Android).
- If you are using Android device, open Expo Go and paste this url and you are good to go. (exp://
- If you are using Iphone device, scan the QR code below with your camera after you download the Expo Go.
After you get into the application, you can click the logo button in the middle, it will give two options which are pick an image from media or take a picture to predict the car model.
You also can signup an account and login to user account for more function.
This two accounts will allow you to login as an user or admin.
Email: [email protected]
Pass: 123456
Email: [email protected]
Pass: 123456
- Get the result of car prediction
- Add a car to favourite list
- View, add and delete comment of a car
- Rating car
- View and edit user profile
- Logout account
- CRUD of Car, User and Comment
- Get the result of car prediction
- Block or unblock user
- Hide or unhide comment
- Logout account
The dataset that I use in this project is Stanford Car Dataset. The Stanford Car dataset is a widely recognized and comprehensive collection of annotated car images, perfect for training and validating machine learning models for car recognition tasks. Comprising 16,185 high-resolution images that span 196 distinct car classes, this dataset is ideal for training a ResNet50 model to be used in a car recognition mobile application.
Data source and banner image: contains all bounding boxes and labels for both training and tests.
3D Object Representations for Fine-Grained Categorization
Jonathan Krause, Michael Stark, Jia Deng, Li Fei-Fei
4th IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation and Recognition, at ICCV 2013 (3dRR-13). Sydney, Australia. Dec. 8, 2013.
- Visual Studio 2022 (Tensorflow - Python)
- Visual Studio Code (React Native - JavaScript)
- React Native 0.70.8
- React 18.1.0
- Expo 47.0.12
- Jest 26.6.3
- FireBase
- Flask
- Tensorflow
- Google Cloud App Engine