# OpenClassrooms Course Downloader
It allows you to download the course pages and videos so that you can learn offline / on the go. (or have a versioned history of it in case the course might receive substantial changes in the future).
On top of that, it allows you to bypass the maximum number of videos you can view each week, by downloading them instead.
- course pages as markdown (you can use Typora to read them)
- course pages as HTML
- Course videos : you choose the video quality among those available (typical courses have these video definitions 360p, 540p, 720p, 1080p).
You will need to have the following dependencies installed:
- Install You can install python dependencies with one command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - (Depending on your browser of choice) install a browser driver for Selenium. For instance,
Gecko Driver
for Mozilla Firefox orChromeDriver
for Google Chrome.
Optional Python dependencies
in order to have a neat progress bar when downloading the course's video files. If not, a message will simply be written in the command line when the download starts.
Getting the code from the repo
git clone https://github.com/JeffMv/OCCourseDownloader.git
cd OCCourseDownloader
# use it
python oc_course_dld.py --help
python ./oc_course_downloader_selenium.py -d <destination_folder> --username <username> course_url [course_url ...]
# Example command to download the course "Testez votre projet avec Python" in the current directory
python oc_course_downloader_selenium.py -u myusername "https://openclassrooms.com/fr/courses/4425126-testez-votre-projet-avec-python/"
# Not specifying the -p argument will prompt you to enter your password securely without showing it in the console.
Maybe some people might be interested by some new features. PR if you want these or more features:
- replacing
tags' references with the actual downloaded files. With video iframes, it would mean replacing them with<video>
After you have successfully downloaded a course, you might want to browse the course either as HTML or as Markdown.
Markdown editors
- Typora : At the time of writting, it is still free in beta version, so you might just hop on the occasion.
If you found this script useful, drop a star or a comment ;)