The goal of my project was to predict the commercial catch (aka 'landings') of Dungeness Crab in the Northern California Eureka area. The Eureka area (defined by port from Fort Bragg northward to the Oregon border) historically has contributed about 3/4 of all Dungeness crab landings for the state, but has also experienced dramatic and unpredictable year-over-year fluctuations.
To address this uncertainty, I created a predictive model that estimates landings in this crucial region before the season opens. The best-performing model incorporates data of landings from previous seasons as well as relevant exogenous environmental factors sampled from 3-4 years prior to the target prediction year. These findings are reasonable in the biological sense in that crabs of this type are typically caught at age 3-4.
My results were encouraging, as the best model shows not only increased predictive power over alternative time series models, but is also consistently robust across the testing window of the past 50 years. Comparing the model to a naive model such as the 'rolling mean' predictor was essential in justifying that a significant findings were found. Using leave-one-out cross validation across the entirety of the testing window, the MAE of the residuals was decreased from 4.5 in the naive model to 3.45 in the best model, representing an overall reduction of uncertainty in forecasting. Here is a comparison of out-of-sample model predictions overlaid the actual landings for those years for the selected ARIMAX model.
My process started with initially coming up with a really dumb 'naive' model to serve as benchmark for a truly predictive model to beat. A "rolling mean" model predicts the average of all observations seen, and proves to be very stable and has an MAE of 4.5 Mlbs.
Designing a model that could consistently outpredict a naive one was an exploration into time series analysis as well as the realm of marine biology and environmental sciences. I scraped websites with oceanographic measures which have been shown to influence marine wildlife and the abundance of fisheries on the Pacific coast. The most useful among these were the Pacific Decadal Osciallation (PDO) and Upwelling Index at 42nd latitude (closest to the Eureka port area).
At real time, these measures don't have a clear relationship to the landings. However, when resampled on an annual frequency from the optimal month and lagged to the optimal amount of years, both factors had significant correlations to landings. Pandas timeseries functionality was instrumental in making the transformations that enabled these findings.
The following visualization demonstrates the negative correlation found between resampled and lagged PDO (annual resample - sum of monthly measurements beginning in OCT 4 years prior) and the landings in the Eureka area:
Upwelling Index measurements were also cross-correlated in a similar manner, and peak correlation was found when resampled from APR 3 years prior. Observe the correlations between landings and resampled & lagged upwelling (in upper right of subplots) peak at 3 years.
One can reason that a negative PDO and a high upwelling index are highly favorable for Dungeness crab population success in their early development phases, thus resulting in higher landings in the season 3-4 years later.
With these exogenous regressors and the landings data itself, I modeled in R studio, largely using the forecast package. I pitted together traditionally successful time series models of three main flavors.
###ARIMA The best performing ARIMA model was developed using the auto.Arima function in R's forecast package. This function was most helpful because it automatically performs the Box-Jenkins method of fitting the best (p,d,q) parameters of the general ARIMA model to each of the 50 training sets. I enabled the auto.Arima function to integrate training data if it didn't initially pass the Augmented Dickey Fuller test for non-stationarity. That being said, differencing was not necessary on the vast majority of training sets (especially once training sets were > 20 years). All fits were chosen based on minimizing the corrected Akiake information criterion (AICc), a common recommendation for finite time series samples such as these. All training fits of the model also incorportated the exogenous regressors of PDO and upwelling (resampled & lagged optimally), a non-zero mean, and almost all had either 1 or 2 significant moving average terms with statistically significant coefficients.
For the sake of being thorough and to make sure I found the best variety of ARIMA model, I also trained and tested several variations of auto-fit and steady-state ARIMA MODELS (such as (p,d,q) = (1,0,0) and (0,0,1)) with and without exogenous regressors.
The other models were simpler to investigate, as they had far fewer options for fit.
###Exponential smoothing
I fit models with the ets function from R's forecast package, with a suppressed gamma parameter to overlook any perceived seasonality. The exponential smoothing models were interesting to investigate as they consistently were fit with alpha parameters extremely close to 1 and near-zero beta parameters. This communicated to me that this variety of model wasn't returning anything really sophisticated: It was essentially predicting this year's landings for next year. That being said, it did not perform too badly in testing!
###Linear Regression
Multiple regressors with interecept: used both the aforementioned exogenous regressors, (PDO and upwelling lagged optimially), plus a non-zero intercept. Model summaries showed highly significant negative coefficents for PDO, positive coefficients for upwelling, and a positive intercept.
Rolling Mean: Intercept only: This is the baseline 'naive' model which always predicts the cumulative mean of the observed landings in the training set.
##Model Evaluation
To see how models would have performed over the dataset, I used leave-one-out cross validation, training models from an constant origin of 1949 and testing each year from 1965 to 2014 (last season). This backtesting technique was selected because the objective was to find a model that captures the long term fluctuations of landings over several decades. (Experimenting with rolling origin training led to highly overfit models that had poor out-of-sample prediction accuracy.) 1949 served as the origin as it is the first year for which resampled upwelling index measurements were available.
Each of the 50 years in the test set was predicted with each model after they were fit to the window of training years preceding the test season. Because of the 3-4 year lag in exogenous regressors, their values were always able to be fed into the forecast function for at least the proceeding year. The following figure demonstrates one iteration of the testing in 1972:
I used mean absolute error from actual landings as the metric for comparing out-of-sample predictions because of its simplicity and interpretability in the context of this problem.
In addition to choosing a model that minimized out-of-sample error, it was also important to make sure that the model was consistent in its errors. I performed diagnostics on the model residuals, both in and out of sample, to confirm that they were normally distributed and did not show evidence of non-zero autocorrelation using the Box-Ljung test.
##Best Model
This is the ARIMAX model fit that we have predicting for the 2015 season, which is yet to open (it traditionally opens November, but had been delayed because of a public health risk related to a harmful algal bloom.) That being said, it is predicting an uptick from last year's low-landing (3.51 Mlbs.) season in the Eureka area, forecasting an overall above-average year with a point forecast of 9.04 Mlbs. The standard error on the forecast is 3.73 Mlbs.
Variance in observed landings in the Eureka area can be partially explained by an auto-fit ARIMAX model that incorporates exogenous regressors. The most exciting insights from the data exploration was being able to pinpoint the time windows in which the regressors had the most impact, and furthermore to confirm that they aligned with critical stages for survival in the life cycle of Dungeness crabs. From the modeling portion, it was most interesting to see that an ARIMAX model fit with these regressors was a synergy of ARIMA and linear regression models, outperforming both of them in the evaluation phase.
###raw_data: Dcrab_Month&Port_2002-2015.xlsx Excel file with landings organized by port and month from 2002-2014. This data was generously provided by Christy Juhasz of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, who have been tracking landings since 2002.
csv file of landings from 1928 - 2002, downloaded from the PFEL online with the query:
Fish = 'Crab, Dungeness'
Time: '1928-01-16' - '2002-12-16T00:00:00Z'
Download as: '.csv'
It can also be viewed as html.
merge_landings.py: Reads the respective csv and excel files in the raw_data folder representing different time windows of landings data (1927-2002 and 2002-2014 respectively), and merges them as one dataframe 'ports_monthly' and writes them to pickle and csv objects in the pickle_data and csv_data files, respectively:
- ports_monthly.pkl
- ports_monthly.csv
consolidate_monthly.py: Consolidates all monthly data from 'ports_monthly.pkl' into the 4 generalized port areas that have been consistently labeled over the past century: Eureka, San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Barbara (and drops ports Los Angeles and San Diego which have no bearing on this study). The script also aggregates by season which is assigned as the year it opens (traditionally in November). It writes these aggregated dataframes to csv_data and pickle_data as:
- ports_seasonal.csv
- areas_seasonal.csv
- ports_seasonal.pkl
- areas_seasonal.pkl
scrape_pdo.py: Scrapes and pickles/writes to csv the PDO measurements provided by JISAO. Outputs to pickle_data and csv_data:
- pdo_monthly.pkl
- pdo_monthly.csv
scrape_upwell.py: Scrapes and pickles/writes to csv the upwelling measurements at 42 and 39 parallel from NOAA data. Outputs to pickle_data and csv_data:
- upwell_monthly.pkl
- upwell_monthly.csv
eda_seasonal.py: Explores and visualizes trends in the landings data aggregated by season for 1945 on ('the crab pot era'). Creates the following visualizations in the plot window/outputs to the images folder:
- stacked_bar.png - Aggregated landings plotted by fishing season and port area
- eureka_line.png - Aggregated landings plotted by fishing season for Eureka port area alone
- Histogram of all season landings totals in total across all ports
- Area plot of seasonal proportions by port area
- areas_boxplot.png - Distribution of seasonal landings by port area
pdo_exploration.py: Explores and visualizes cross correlation of PDO resamplings with the landings in Eureka. This has two of the most instrumental functions for this project in "crosscorrelate_pdo_seasonal" and "lag _samples" working in conjunction. Outputs the resampled pdo from OCT start month to csv_data and pickle_data:
- pdo_resampled.csv
- pdo_resampled.pkl
- pdo_resampled_lag4.csv
- pdo_resampled_lag4.pkl
upwell_exploration.py: Explores and visualizes cross correlation of upwelling (at 42nd parallel) resamplings with the landings in Eureka. Outputs the resampled upwelling from August start months to csv_data and pickle_data as well as visualizations to the images folder:
- upwell_resampled.csv
- upwell_resampled.pkl
- upwell_resampled_lag4.csv
- upwell_resampled_lag4.pkl
- hot_cold_hist.png
- line_pdo_eureka.png
pdo_exploration.R: Uses the pdo_resampled.csv data to explore and visualize cross correlation and lagplots of PDO resampling (from OCT start month) with the landings in Eureka.
upwell_exploration.R: Uses upwell_resampled.csv data to explore and visualize cross correlation and lagplots of upwelling resamplings (from APR start month) with the landings in Eureka.
[many images from matplotlib, seaborn, and R plot outputs in the previous section]
- ports_monthly.csv
- ports_seasonal.csv
- areas_seasonal.csv
- pdo_monthly.csv
- pdo_resampled.csv
- pdo_resampled_lag4.csv
- upwell_monthly.csv
- upwell_resampled.csv
- upwell_resampled_lag4.csv
- ports_monthly.pkl
- ports_seasonal.pkl
- areas_seasonal.pkl
- pdo_monthly.pkl
- pdo_resampled.pkl
- pdo_resampled_lag4.pkl
- upwell_monthly.pkl
- upwell_resampled.pkl
- upwell_resampled_lag4.pkl
all_models.R: Pits together 10 different varieties of time series models in an R script and compares resulting performance.
best_model.R: Performs predictions for test set with the ARIMAX model and performs diagnostics such as evaluating the normality of residuals and the autocorrelations with the Box-Ljung test. This script is the ONLY one that produces a 2015 season prediction!
IMPORTANT: Run all scripts from the root crab-project directory!
To replicate the data collection and cleansing, run the scripts in data_processing in the order:
- merge_landings.py
- consolidate_montly.py
- scrape_pdo.py
- scrape_upwell.py
However, this isn't necessary as all the munged data have been pickled and written to csv in the respective directories.
To explore the data transformations necessary to acquire the research-driven insight that drove the modeling, run (in order):
- eda_seasonal.py
- pdo_exploration.py
- R_pdo_exploration.R
- upwell_exploration.py
- R_upwell_exploration.R
Again, all the transformation are already written to csv for the modeling portion.
To see model generation, selection and final model performance*:
- R_all_models.R
- R_best_model.R
Script outputs:
- Plot window: Model training fit standard error over time
- Plot window: Histogram of out-of-sample forecast errors
- Plot window: Scatter of in and out of sample residuals
- Plot window: ACF of in and out of sample residuals
- Console: Box-Ljung test results for out of sample residuals: p = 0.30
- Console: R^2: 0.38
- Console: MAE out of sample residuals: 3.45
- Plot window: Model predictions vs. Actual including 2015 prediction
*It may be necessary to install the following packages:
- Christy Juhasz - Environmental Scientist, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Tammy Lee - Director, Galvanize
- Clayton Schupp - Director, Galvanize
- Adam, Scott - Commercial Fishermen, CA & OR
- Anna, Joel, Vikas, Sam, Nanfang - Students of Galvanize DSI's Cohort 10
- Landing data were subset from 1945 to present. Prior to WWII, crab pots weren't universally used, so seasonal landings were minimal in CA and largely unrepresentative of trends in the "crab pot era".
- The Dungeness crab fishery is considered to be consistently ~90% exploited. For this reason, landings are also a great proxy for population assessment.
- Dungeness crab have been regulated by size, sex, and season consistently for more than a century. Because of this, mating success is not considered to be affected by the high exploitation rate.
- Non-commercial a.k.a. recreational fishing is believed to be ~1% of the total state landings and are untracked.
- Dungeness crab health aren't affected by the harmful algal blooms - only the animals that eat them!