When you are a new student in a school, you're looking for someone to help, a sort of godfather right? Then with parrains it's now possible to find your godfather or protege!
The first version of this application has been developed in the case of my student's body position. It's now update with laravel framework to be used easily and safely by anyone. Enjoy!
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
composer install
Go to nodejs.org and follow the instructions.
npm install --global gulp
npm install // on the root of the app
Then set your database credentials within an .env file at the root of the app as follow:
APP_ENV=local // change this if running in production
APP_DEBUG=true // hide this if running in production
php artisan migrate
On local
php artisan serve
On server
Point host to public/
- Handling form through controller
- Sending mail to godfather and protege
- Handling matching by
- Create page to see all matching