DEMPgen v1.2.0
v.1.2.0 features numerous updates and fixes. These are mainly focused on adjustments to the phase space factor utilised in the event weight calculation. A brief summary -
- Memory leak fix.
- DEMPgen now calculates the maximum possible phase space for a given beam energy combination provided. The phase space mapped out will be adjusted down if the requested phase space exceeds that which is possible. If the requested phase space is lower, the user will be notified.
- Re-organisation and modification fo printout to summary file, including new info on phase space cuts and generated angular/energy ranges.
- Modifications/adjustments to the jacobians used in various places.
Overall, these changes have led to the generator being much more efficient. For a requested number of thrown events, a far larger number of events will be retained.
Information on the generation of files for the July 2024 ePIC simulation campaign have also been included.