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Releases: JeffersonLab/clas12-offline-software
Releases · JeffersonLab/clas12-offline-software
COATJAVA release 5c.6.5
Special release to study the torus shift from yaml
Example of yaml syntax is
solenoidMap: Symm_solenoid_r601_phi1_z1201_13June2018.dat
torusMap: Symm_torus_r2501_phi16_z251_24Apr2018.dat
solenoidShift: "0.0"
torusXShift: "0.0"
torusYShift: "0.0"
torusZShift: "0.0"
COATJAVA release 5c.6.4
Special release to study the speed improvements and new swimming, including non-symmetrical maps
COATJAVA release 5c.6.7
Special release
COATJAVA release 5c.6.6
Special release to study the HTCC reconstruction algorithm
COATJAVA release 5c.6.3
Special release to study SVT timing
COATJAVA release 5.6.2
Compatible with gemc 4a.2.4
COATJAVA release 5b.6.2
Compatible with gemc 4a.2.4
- bugfix
- EBScalers: avoid duplication from EBHB+EBTB
- EBAnalyzer: set neutron momentum to zero if invalid beta
- rich: turn off nuisance printouts
- updated kpp-plots to version 2.0, replaced obsolete kpp-monitor with mon12
- build: removed copy of jaw jar since not included in the distribution
- fix duplicate rf offset
- added a flag to decoder to specify record size of the hipo file
- CND: Use Edep-weighted average for the cluster-x, y, z, time
- CVT, DC, EB, EC unit tests are now proper unit tests that run during the build, option to skip test in build
COATJAVA release 5.6.1
Compatible with gemc 4a.2.4
COATJAVA (pre)release 5b.6.1
Compatible with gemc 4a.2.4
- new solenoid map from June 2018
- restoring travis script to use regular jdk installation after oracle fixes
- lowered kpp test threshold
- yaml: updated yaml files for regular reconstruction and dst making
- set B-field values to hits resolved from LR ambiguity algo.
COATJAVA (pre)release 5b.6.0
Compatible with gemc 4a.2.4
- workaround for jdk installation issue on travis
- getCoordsInTiltedSector bug fix
- bankdefs: fixed HTCC::true bank strcture in xml file