Author: Yuzhou Ge -University of Southern California
Max OS
1) Ray tracing triangles
2) Ray tracing sphere
3) Triangle Phong Shading
4) Sphere Phong Shading
5) Shadows rays
6) Still images
7) Extra
Recursive reflection
I did the recursive reflection in function "traceRay". In order to use this function: when running the program in command line, add one more argument"-OR" in the end. !!!!!!!!!!!
E.g: "./assign3 test.scene.txt test.jpg -OR"
Good antialiasing
I also have a good antialiasing by using the technqiue of super sampling.
You can check from the still images, the boundaries are smooth.
001: from screenfile.txt, no antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection
002: from screenfile.txt, with antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection
003: from test2.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection
004: from test2.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, with recursive reflection
005: from spheres.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection
006: from spheres.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, with recursive reflection
007: from table.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection
008: from SIGGRAPH.scene.txt, with antialiasing applied, no recursive reflection