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Rails Engine

About the Project

Rails Engine is an E-Commerce Application using a service-oriented architecture. The frontend and backend of this application are separate and communicate via APIs. The main objective of this project is to expose the data that powers the site through various API endpoints that the front end will consume.

Learning Goals

  • Expose an API
  • Test API exposure
  • Use serializers to format JSON responses
  • Compose advanced ActiveRecord queries to analyze information stored in SQL databases
  • Write SQL statements without the assistance of an ORM

Built With

Ruby 2.5.3


Getting Started

  1. Create a new directory called rails-engine (in this directory will live both the frontend and backend repos of this project)
  2. cd into this directory cd rails-engine
  3. Fork this repo
  4. Run bundle install
  5. Run rake db:{create,migrate,seed}
  6. If interested in running the frontend portion of this project in conjunction with the backend then clone this repo in the rails-engine directory
  7. Follow the setup instructions in the README file found in the repository
  8. In order to view the project in the browser spin up two servers on different ports with the following commands (both commands are preceded by the directories in which they should run):

rails-engine -> rails s

rails_driver -> rails s -p 3001

Database Schema

Rails Engine Schema


Jesse Mellinger - LinkedIn


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