Project battlebot is a project revolves around a racetrack in which the battlebots must compete for the fastest time and the cleanest lap.
A detailed summary of Sebastiaan can be found at: use the robot, place it in the parking space with the color sensor facing the large black square, and the sensor should be just within the parking space.
Then, turn on both switches of the robot. From now on, you can observe for any improvements.
The robot has the following functions:
- Start procedure: using a distance sensor to detect the previous robot and calibration
- In the start procedure, an object must be picked up with the gripper
- Dynamic calibration of the motors using a rotation counter.
- Line following using light sensors
- Making 90-degree turns to the left and right
- Turns are executed using the rotation sensors
- At the end, the robot must drop its object onto another large black square
To use the robot, place it in the parking space with the color sensor facing the large black square, and the sensor should be just within the parking space.
Then, turn on both switches to start the robot. Subsequently, the robot will calibrate itself on the starting line and navigate through the maze.
The robot has the following functions:
- Start procedure: using a distance sensor to detect the previous robot and calibration
- In the start procedure, an object must be picked up with the gripper
- Line following using light sensors
- Completing the maze using a sonar sensor
- Making 90-degree turns to the left and right
- Turns are executed using the sonar sensor and the position in the maze
- At the end, the robot must drop its object onto another large black square (the finish)
For code convention references, consult the Makerguide C++ Style Guide for Arduino projects.