Provides the TeamCity integration with .NET CLI/MSBuild tools.
dotnet build my.csproj /noconsolelogger /l:TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.TeamCityMSBuildLogger,path_to_logger\TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.dll;teamcity
msbuild.exe my.csproj /t:build /noconsolelogger /l:TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.TeamCityMSBuildLogger,path_to_logger\TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.dll;teamcity
TeamCity Integration is working from-the-box while you are using TeamCity dotnet plugin. Also it is possible to use TeamCity logger manually, see more details in the Wiki.
We would be a grateful contribution.
- clone this repo
- open the solution TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.sln in IDE
- configure debugging for TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger
- specify the executable to dotnet.exe for instance like C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe
- specify command-line arguments for your case, for instance build <my_project_path>\MyProject.csproj --verbosity normal /noconsolelogger /l:TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.TeamCityMSBuildLogger,<this_repo_path>\TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger\bin\Debug\net452\TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger.dll;teamcity;DEBUG - the last option DEBUG is needed to debug this logger.
- set breakpoints
- run debugging for TeamCity.MSBuild.Logger
- attach to the process dotnet.exe with a number from stdOut
- test.cmd to run integration tests
It is under the Apache License.