Changes from v0.31.0
I forget to bump the version number in the Makefile before release, so the title bar will say "v0.32.0 pre-release". I'm not changing it. The next version will be released soon enough.
- Improvements
- Artefact free rendering
- The old method of chaining GLSL shaders added visible artefacts on screen in some instances. This has been fixed
- ROM Select Window
- Mouse wheel works correctly in ROM Select window when in playmode
- Improved responsiveness
- Added mappers for prototype ROMs:
- WF8 (Smurf and Zaxxon prototypes)
- JANE (Tarzan prototype)
- Magnify window/tooltip uses current TV colours
- Global cycle regulator for ARM
- Comparison mode includes a comparision of the two audio streams
- Regression database now keeps a list of failed tests
- LIST and REDUX both now accept keys to work on (as opposed to working on all keys)
- RUN, LIST and REDUX can use FAILS as a key to limit action to previously failed tests
- eg
gopher2600 regress list fails
- REDUX now has a -dryrun option
- Also triggered on ctrl+alt+m
- Memory usage in FPS overlay (optional)
- Compile time option to include Statsviz monitoring
- Television Improvements
- Screen size dimensions fixed at a ratio of 4:3
- Generated image will always be squeezed into the 4:3 aperture
- Improved VSYNC and synchronisation options
- Minimum refresh rate for TV reduced to 45Hz
- The previous higher rate prevented some PAL ROMs from ever achieving synchronisation
- This will affect any ROMs you may have in the regression database. Use regression REDUX to rebuild database
- Corrected horizontal scan rate values. Used to caculate refresh rate
- This affects PAM and SECAM. NTSC and PAL-M were already correct
- Other Changes
- "Motion" screenshots now called "Flicker"
- Better indication of the conditions when the method is appropriate
- "Composite" and "Single" methods unchanged
- PAL-M always referred to as PAL-M (and not PALM)
- added options
to RUN mode
- Bug Fixes
- ARM Cycle Counting was incorrect in v0.30.0
- Memory latency was calculated incorrectly
- Screen would sometimes not be updated in playmode if refresh rate of emulated TV was higher than the monitor
- Rewind for binary Supercharger files was incorrect
- Caused application to deadlock if ROM was rewound towards the very start of execution