Spend Analyzer is a full-stack app for managing and tracking expenses. It lets you add, update, and categorize expenses while providing analytics to visualize spending by date range or month.
- Live App:- https://spend-analyzer.streamlit.app/
- Python
- FastAPI
- Streamlit
- MySQL DataBase
- Data Visualisation using pandas, matplotlib and seaborn.
- Add and Update Expenses: Easily add and change your expenses by date and category.
- Analyze by Date Range: View your expenses for a selected time period.
- Monthly Analysis: See how much you spend each month and track trends.
The project has the following folders:
- frontend/: Contains the code for the Streamlit app, where you interact with the tool.
- backend/: Contains the code for the FastAPI server, which handles the data and requests.
- tests/: Contains test files to check if everything is working properly.
- requirements.txt: Lists all the Python libraries needed to run the project.
- README.md: This file, which explains the project and how to use it.
Follow these steps to set up the Expense Analyzer on your system.
Clone the project repository:
git clone https://github.com/Jeysiva-apjs/spend-analyzer.git cd expense-analyzer
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the FastAPI server:
cd backend uvicorn main:app --reload
Run the Streamlit app::
cd frontend streamlit run app.py