This a Runnerty demo for checking if a website is online.
It checks if is online every 5 minutes. Everytime the chain is executed it checks if the web is online, if it is not, the procces retry it again in 30 seconds, if the web stills offine the process fails and show an error with throught the @runnerty/notifier-console.
The chain is set to fail intentionally. If you want to change this yo only have to change the "check_contains": "goOogle"
property for a correct text
Note that it's possible to use any of the existing notifiers to get feed if the chain fails. Have a look at the documentation here
Clone the repo
git clone
Go to the directory
cd runnerty-demo-check-web
npm install
Run Runnerty
Force Run
runnerty -f CHECK_MY_WEB_CHAIN
Expected result
We will check if we can find the string "goOogle" at every 5 minutes.
As we will not be able to, what we will do is show an error message throw the console
error: Process CHECK_GOOGLE Host check_contains "gooogle" test fail.
error: is offline!
We are writing the execution output at ./test.log
EXECUTION CHECK_GOOGLE - AT 2018-02-27 20:47:38