- We applied drone mapping to generate aerial map to replace aerial orthophoto download from Google Earth. Aerial map constains most recent updates, furthermore enhance UAS geotraking pipeline robustness.
- When generated aerial map available, we replace SuperGlue feature matching scheme with ORB detector. ORB detector will reduce pipeline reliance on computer memory and accelerate pipeline running speed.
Our test flight is at below area. The aerial mapping is collected with the Mavic Air 2. It most green and few buildings and road. Feel free to download them and run our demo.
# Anaconda create a new environment
conda create -n UASGeotracking python=3.8
conda activate UASGeotracking
# Install required libraries, pytorch needs to be installed independently
cd AutonomousDrone2023
pip install -r requirements.txt
OpenCV cuda version installation on Windows, please refer to Build OpenCV 4.4.0 with CUDA (GPU) Support on Windows 10
We provide the download link and saved files as following data structure
├── input
├── images (~2.47GB, 612 sequential frames)
└── videos
└── premap
├── satmap.png
└── satmap_mask.npz
# Running ORB-based UAS Geotracking with cuda acceleration
python run_orb.py --input=./input/images/ --output=./output/ --Orien=270 --Init_height=130 --range 900 --bin_interval=10 --matching_vis --semantic
- Use
to preset UAV initial heading direction in reference to North direction countclockwisely - Use
to preset UAV starting flight height (in meters) - Use
to predefine the width of look up region, valid only when--Init_height
not provided - Use
to preset UAV starting points, required for each flight - Use
to apply semantic building mask over matched features - For more details, please refer to source code
for more details