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Log encoding for integer decision variables (#260)
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- Introduce `Instance::log_encoding` for encoding integer variable into
binary variables
- This method does not substitute yielded polynomial into objective and
constraints. It is done by `Instance::substitute`
  • Loading branch information
termoshtt authored Mar 3, 2025
1 parent a1bad31 commit 066143e
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 4 deletions.
182 changes: 178 additions & 4 deletions rust/ommx/src/convert/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
use crate::{
sorted_ids::{BinaryIdPair, BinaryIds},
decision_variable::Kind, instance::Sense, Equality, Function, Instance, Parameter,
ParametricInstance, RemovedConstraint,
decision_variable::Kind, instance::Sense, DecisionVariable, Equality, Function, Instance,
Linear, Parameter, ParametricInstance, RemovedConstraint,
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context, Result};
use approx::AbsDiffEq;
use maplit::hashmap;
use num::Zero;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,6 +296,118 @@ impl Instance {
Ok((quad, constant))

/// Encode an integer decision variable into binary decision variables.
/// Note that this method does not substitute the yielded binary representation into the objective and constraints.
/// Call [`Instance::substitute`] with the returned [`Linear`] representation.
/// Mutability
/// ----------
/// - This adds new binary decision variables introduced for binary encoding to the instance.
/// Errors
/// ------
/// Returns [anyhow::Error] in the following cases:
/// - The given decision variable ID is not found
/// - The specified decision variable is not an integer type.
/// - The bound of the decision variable is not set or not finite.
pub fn log_encoding(&mut self, decision_variable_id: u64) -> Result<Linear> {
let v = self
.find(|dv| == decision_variable_id)
.with_context(|| format!("Decision variable ID {} not found", decision_variable_id))?;
if v.kind() != Kind::Integer {
"The decision variable is not an integer type: ID={}",

let bound = v.bound.as_ref().with_context(|| {
"Bound must be set and finite for log-encoding: ID={}",

// Bound of integer may be non-integer value
let upper = bound.upper.floor();
let lower = bound.lower.ceil();
let u_l = upper - lower;
u_l >= 0.0,
"No feasible integer found in the bound: ID={}, lower={}, upper={}",

// There is only one feasible integer, and no need to encode
if u_l == 0.0 {
return Ok(Linear::from(lower));

// Log-encoding
let n = (u_l + 1.0).log2().ceil() as usize;
let id_base = self
.map(|id| id + 1)
.expect("At least one decision variable here");

let mut terms = Vec::new();
for i in 0..n {
let id = id_base + i as u64;
if i == n - 1 {
u_l - 2.0f64.powi(i as i32) + 1.0
} else {
2.0f64.powi(i as i32)
self.decision_variables.push(DecisionVariable {
name: Some("ommx.log_encoding".to_string()),
subscripts: vec![decision_variable_id as i64, i as i64],
kind: Kind::Binary as i32,
bound: Some(crate::v1::Bound {
lower: 0.0,
upper: 1.0,
Ok(Linear::new(terms.into_iter(), lower))

/// Substitute dependent decision variables with given [Function]s.
pub fn substitute(&mut self, replacement: HashMap<u64, Function>) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(obj) = self.objective.as_mut() {
*obj = obj.substitute(&replacement)?;
for c in &mut self.constraints {
if let Some(f) = c.function.as_mut() {
*f = f.substitute(&replacement)?;
for c in &mut self.removed_constraints {
if let Some(c) = &mut c.constraint {
if let Some(f) = c.function.as_mut() {
*f = f.substitute(&replacement)?;
for (_id, f) in self.decision_variable_dependency.iter_mut() {
*f = f.substitute(&replacement)?;

/// Compare two instances as mathematical programming problems. This does not compare the metadata.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +470,11 @@ impl AbsDiffEq for Instance {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{random::InstanceParameters, v1::Parameters};
use crate::{
v1::{Parameters, State},
use proptest::prelude::*;

proptest! {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,5 +570,63 @@ mod tests {
prop_assert!(c.abs() > f64::EPSILON);

fn log_encoding((lower, upper) in (-10.0_f64..10.0, -10.0_f64..10.0)
.prop_filter("At least one integer", |(lower, upper)| lower.ceil() <= upper.floor())
) {
let mut instance = Instance::default();
instance.decision_variables.push(DecisionVariable {
id: 0,
name: Some("x".to_string()),
kind: Kind::Integer as i32,
bound: Some(crate::v1::Bound { lower, upper }),
let encoded = instance.log_encoding(0).unwrap();

// Test the ID of yielded decision variables are not duplicated

// Get decision variables introduced for log-encoding
let aux_bits = instance
.filter_map(|dv| {
if == Some("ommx.log_encoding".to_string()) && dv.subscripts[0] == 0 {
} else {

if lower.ceil() == upper.floor() {
// No need to encode
prop_assert_eq!(encoded.as_constant().unwrap(), lower.ceil());
prop_assert_eq!(aux_bits.len(), 0);
return Ok(());

let state = State { entries: aux_bits.iter().map(|&id| (id, 0.0)).collect::<HashMap<_, _>>() };
let (lower_evaluated, _) = encoded.evaluate(&state).unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(lower_evaluated, lower.ceil());

let state = State { entries: aux_bits.iter().map(|&id| (id, 1.0)).collect::<HashMap<_, _>>() };
let (upper_evaluated, _) = encoded.evaluate(&state).unwrap();
prop_assert_eq!(upper_evaluated, upper.floor());

/// Compare the result of partial_evaluate and substitute with `Function::Constant`.
fn substitute_fixed_value(instance in Instance::arbitrary(), value in -3.0..3.0) {
for id in instance.defined_ids() {
let mut partially_evaluated = instance.clone();
partially_evaluated.partial_evaluate(&State { entries: hashmap! { id => value } }).unwrap();
let mut substituted = instance.clone();
substituted.substitute(hashmap! { id => Function::from(value) }).unwrap();
prop_assert!(partially_evaluated.abs_diff_eq(&substituted, 1e-10));

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