Integration of the Perforce software version management system into GNU Emacs. p4.el provides Emacs interfaces that map directly to Perforce commands.
Notes (Jan-2025):
- p4.el compiles without warnings and is tested with Emacs 27, 28, 29.
- Download p4.el and compile it:
emacs -Q -batch -f batch-byte-compile /path/to/dir/containing/p4
- In your
add:(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/dir/containing/p4.el") (require 'p4)
By default, the P4 global key bindings start with C-c p
. If you prefer a different key prefix,
then you should customize the setting p4-global-key-prefix
Use the P4 menu or keybindings:
------ C-c p a p4 add Open a new file to add to the depot C-c p e p4 edit Open an existing file for edit C-c p r p4 revert Discard changes from an opened file C-c p x p4 delete Open an existing file for deletion from the depot C-c p m p4 move Move (rename) opened file from one location to another C-c p E p4 reopen Reopen (move between changelists or change file type) ------ C-c p A p4 fstat Display file attributes - have revision, etc. C-c p f p4 filelog List file revision history Diff C-c p - Ediff file with its original client version C-c p _ Ediff two versions of a depot file C-c p ` Ediff file with head version C-c p = p4 diff Diff of client file with depot file C-c p d p4 diff2 Diff a set of depot files to another C-c p C-= p4 diff Diff all p4 opened files }: next file, {: prev file, RET: visit region in file n: next diff, p: prev diff C-c p M-= p4 diff Diff all p4 opened files side-by-side }: next file, {: prev file Changes C-c p o p4 opened List open files, sorting moves, and adding head status C-c p C-p p4 changes Show pending changelists C-c p C-s p4 changes Show shelved changelists C-c p M-s p4 changes Show submitted changelists C-c p D p4 describe Display a changelist description C-c p C-d p4 describe Display a changelist description with diff's C-c p M-d p4 describe Display all affected and shelved files in a change C-c p C p4 change Change (create, update, submit, or delete a changelist) C-c p M-s p4 shelve Store files from a pending changelist into the depot C-c p M-u p4 unshelve Restore shelved files from pending change to workspace C-c p S p4 submit Submit opened files to depot C-c p j p4 job Create or edit a job (defect) specification C-c p J p4 jobs Display list of jobs C-c p X p4 fix Mark jobs as being fixed by the specified changelist Workspace C-c p g p4 update Sync client with its view of the depot (w/safety check) - p4 sync Synchronize the client with its view of the depot - p4 sync @= Run 'p4 sync @=CN' to sync ONLY the contents of CN C-c p R p4 sync -f Refresh contents of an unopened file C-c p s p4 status Identify differences between the workspace and depot C-c p z p4 reconcile Reconcile changes to workspace w/Perforce C-c p F p4 files List files in the depot C-c p G Display the name of the current Perforce client - p4 unload Unload a client, label, or task stream to unload depot - p4 reload Reload an unloaded client, label, or task stream C-c p H p4 have List the revisions most recently synced to workspace C-c p w p4 where Show how file names are mapped by the client view - p4 clients List clients ------ C-c p I p4 integ Integrate one set of files into another C-c p C-r p4 resolve Resolve integrations and updates to workspace files ------ C-c p p p4 print Visit version of file in a buffer C-c p V p4 annotate Print file lines and change info following integrations C-c p C-f Visit client file corresponding to depot spec Config C-c p b p4 branch Create, modify, or delete a branch view specification C-c p B p4 branches Display list of branch specifications C-c p l p4 label Create or edit a label specification C-c p L p4 labels Display list of defined labels C-c p C-l p4 labelsync Apply the label to the contents of client workspace C-c p c p4 client Create or edit a client workspace spec and its view C-c p u p4 user Create or edit a user specification C-c p U p4 users List Perforce users - Set P4CONFIG - Set P4CLIENT - Set P4PORT - p4 set Display Perforce Variables C-c p i p4 info Display client/server information C-c p v Display the Perforce-Emacs integration, P4.el, version ------ C-c p q Quit WINDOW and bury its buffer C-c p h p4 help Display 'p4 help CMD'
This version started with the 2015 Version 12.0 from Gareth Rees <[email protected]> This version has significant changes, features, fixes, and performance improvements. One example difference is the elimination of the Perforce status in the mode line. Perforce interactions can be slow and this slowed Emacs. Now all interactions with Perforce are explicit and invoked from a P4 menu selection or keybinding. This means that Emacs will be performant even if the Perforce server is slow or not responding. By default, most commands prompt you to run the action requests, which lets you to provide additional p4 switches.