This new version adds some cool new features and many important bug fixes.
New features:
- New sunset/sunrise dusk/dawn calculation modes from coordinates, Aerial can gather your location using your Mac's location service (you'll be asked for permission). Includes multiple calculations modes for dusk to better suite everyone's needs
- Control brightness, Aerial can progressively dim the brightness of your screen when it plays. Includes extra options to only enable at night or on battery
- Add an option to define the margins from the border where descriptions should appear, changed the default for something more sensible
Bug fixes:
- Fix (very) high memory consumption when downloading or streaming videos
- Fix crashes introduced in 1.4.2 with community descriptions and translations enabled together
- Clock sometimes didn't show on some videos, clock text being clipped when using a non monospaced font
- Better thumbnail with rounded corners
- And many UI tweaks/fixes
This build is signed.