I'm Johnny, an ex-Physics teacher, a passionate developer, and a future philanthropist.
- rideup: Startup to conquer the ridesharing app industry by changing the business model
- homeosapient: Personal project to give intelligence to my home
- LLM and AI Agents workflows
- Rust
- Blockchain
- Web3
- Anything related to TypeScript, Front end or backend.
- Blockchain and decentralized applications
- Any interesting idea to work on? [ I am an idea generator and can help with some creative brainstorms ]
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnyvolt
- I love playing chess and video games
- I'm a big fan of the Witcher universe
- I can speak three languages: English, Russian, and Azerbaijani
interface Initializable {
initialize(): Promise<void>;
function Singleton<T extends Initializable>(Base: new () => T) {
abstract class SingletonBase {
private static instance: T;
protected constructor() {}
public static async getInstance(): Promise<T> {
if (!this.instance) {
const that = new Base();
await that.initialize(); // Ensure async initialization
this.instance = that;
return this.instance;
return SingletonBase;
class AccountService implements Initializable {
async initialize(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
console.log("Initializing AccountService...");
await setTimeout(500);
console.log("AccountService initialized.");
async test() {}
// class BadService {}
// const BadServiceSingleton = Singleton(BadService); // Error no initialize function within
const accountService1 = await AccountServiceSingleton.getInstance(); // type AccountService
const accountService2 = await AccountServiceSingleton.getInstance();
console.log(accountService1 === accountService2); // true
// Resolution.ts
import { ResolutionError, ResolutionErrorCode } from './errors/resolutionError';
import { NamingServiceName, SourceDefinition, SourceParameters } from './types/publicTypes';
import { constructRecords, isNullAddress } from './utils';
import { EthereumNamingService } from './namingServices/ethereum';
import { Zns } from './namingServices/zns';
import { Ens } from './namingServices/ens';
import { Cns } from './namingServices/cns';
import { Udapi } from './namingServices/udapi';
import { UnclaimedDomainResponse } from './types';
/** @internal */
export type ResolutionServiceMap = {
[key in NamingServiceName]: EthereumNamingService;
/** @internal */
export type ResolutionService = EthereumNamingService | Udapi;
* Blockchain domain Resolution library - Resolution.
* Provides a way to resolve a domain name using various naming services
* @example
* ```
* let resolution = new Resolution();
* let result = await resolution.address('resolver.eth', 'ETH');
* ```
export default class Resolution {
readonly blockchain: boolean;
readonly serviceName: NamingServiceName;
private readonly services: ResolutionServiceMap;
* Creates a naming service instance
* @param source - main configuration object
* @param source.blockchain - blockchain configuration object
* @param source.blockchain.ens - ens configuration object
* @param source.blockchain.ens.url - blockchain api url
* @param source.blockchain.ens.registryAddress - address of ens registry contract
* @param source.blockchain.cns - cns configuration object
* @param source.blockchain.cns.url - blockchain api url
* @param source.blockchain.cns.registryAddress - address of cns registry contract
* @param source.api - resolution api configuration object
* @param source.api.url - resolution api url
blockchain = true,
api = DefaultAPI,
}: {
blockchain?: boolean | SourceDefinition;
api?: SourceDefinition;
}) {
this.blockchain = !!blockchain;
this.serviceName = this.getServiceName();
if (this.serviceName !== 'UDAPI') {
const web3Provider = this.web3Provider(blockchainSource);
this.services = {
[NamingServiceName.CNS]: new Cns(web3Provider),
[NamingServiceName.ENS]: new Ens(web3Provider),
[NamingServiceName.ZNS]: new Zns(),
if (!this.blockchain) {
this.services = {
[NamingServiceName.UDAPI]: new Udapi(api),
* Resolves domain name to a specific cryptoAddress
* @async
* @param domain - domain name to be resolved
* @param currencyTicker - currency ticker like BTC, ETH, ZIL, etc.
* @returns A promise that resolves in a string
async address(domain: string, currencyTicker: string): Promise<string> {
const data = await this.addressOrThrow(domain, currencyTicker);
return data.address;
* Resolves domain name to a specific cryptoAddress or throws an error if not found or not supported by network.
* @async
* @param domain - domain name to be resolved
* @param currencyTicker - currency ticker like BTC, ETH, ZIL, etc.
async addressOrThrow(domain: string, currencyTicker: string): Promise<{ address: string; coin: number }> {
const method = this.isSupportedDomain(domain) ? 'addr' : 'address';
const data = await this.resolver(domain)[method](domain, currencyTicker);
if (!data)
throw new ResolutionError(ResolutionErrorCode.UnspecifiedCurrency, {
return data;
// Custom fetch Provider for UD resolution.ts
import { Provider } from './types';
export class FetchProvider implements Provider {
private readonly url: string;
constructor(url: string) {
this.url = url;
public async request(request: RequestArguments): Promise<unknown> {
const response = await fetch(this.url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(request),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`FetchProvider: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
return response.json();