This is a final project for the C programming course at UCAS during my freshman year. It features a Gobang AI that uses Minimax search, Alpha-Beta pruning, and move-killing techniques.
Looking back, many of the implementations and coding practices seem quite immature, but I'm still proud that I taught my computer to play Gobang and surpass myself ;) By the way, it also clinched first place in the final competition. I’d say that’s a decent return on my sleep-deprived investment.
- Compile the code:
gcc -o gobang main.c minmax.c interact.c score.c
flag to enable move-killing.
Add -D SIX
flag to set the search depth to six layers (note: this will be slow).
- Run the game:
- Choose the game mode:
1: Player vs Player 2: Player vs Computer (computer plays second) 3: Player vs Computer (computer plays first)
- Making a move:
Enter a lowercase letter followed by a number.
- Undo the last move:
Press r (only one undo is allowed).
Fork the repository. Create a new branch. Commit your code. Open a Pull Request. If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open an issue, although there's a good chance I'll be too lazy to fix it.
UCAS C程序设计与分析大作业,采用极大极小值搜索,Αlpha-beta剪枝,带算杀的五子棋AI,建议谨慎参考。
git clone
+ 本仓库地址 -
gcc -o gobang main.c minmax.c intereact.c score.c
:增加算杀-D SIX
:深度算六层(比较慢) -
模式选择:1.人人对战 2.电脑后手 3.电脑先手
- Fork 本仓库
- 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
- 提交代码
- 新建 Pull Request
- 如遇bug,请提issue,虽然八成懒得de。
- 言川/ 五子棋AI教程:虽然是代码是JS,但是思路详细完整,还支持在线对战,方便用他测一测你的水平如何。
- livingsu/ 五子棋ai:极大极小搜索和α-β剪枝算法的思想和实现(qt和c++) :推荐(二)里对于两种不同评估函数的理解,让我当时醍醐灌顶。
- Bruce Moreland/ Alpha-Beta搜索
- univasity/ Minimax算法研究