Password manager SPA built using React and Redux
Created using create-react-app and TypeScript React Start.
With the following additions or modifications:
- Package Manager: yarn
- Editor code styling: EditorConfig
- Node Security: nsp
- CSS imports
- Pre-processor: SASS (Following steps here)
- Linter: stylelint using stylelint-config-recommended
- Coding style: prettier (Following steps here and here)
- Linter: TSLint
- Coding style: prettier (Using tslint-config-prettier module)
- Jest with Enzyme (Following steps here)
- Routing: react-router
- State management: redux
- Redux async actions: redux-thunk
- Redux selector library: reselect
- HTTP: fetch
- Build scripts using TypeScript: ts-node
- CSS framework: Bootstrap 4
- Icons: Font Awesome
- Validation: class-validator