This is a repository for Avenue Code iOS Course. All presentations, exercices and code will be here.
Course roadmap:
- Day 1:
- Introduction
- iOS history
- AppStore
- About the environment
- Platforms (macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS) and their amplitude
- iOS history
- XCode, playgrounds and Simulator
- Swift Introduction
- Let and Var
- Types (Int, Float, String, Bool)
- Collections (arrays and dictionaries)
- Control Flow and Tuples
- Functions and Closures
- Enums
- Optionals and nil,
- Structs
- Day 2:
- First App - Hello World
- Introduction to basic organization: Storyboards, ViewControllers, Navigation Controller flow
- XCAssets, Plists.
- Demonstrate UIWindow, Uiview hierarchy ViewController LifeCycle through simple Hello World logs.
- Layout Basics
- Information and Interactive elements
- How to link elements with code
- How to create actions
- How change values programmatically (image sources for example)
- Demonstrate how to use a Navigation controller
- How to Push and Pop a screen and types of preseting (modally, push, popover )
- Day 3:
- Working with Tables or Collections
- Explain Delegate pattern
- Show how to create default UITableViewCells
- How to create a custom cell
- How to create sections
- Explain how to use different cells
- Day 3:
- Dependency Manager
- Installing CocoaPods
- Demonstrate usage of third-party libs
- Day 4:
- Network Connection
- Connection and JSON Parsing
- Updating UI with Information
- Day 5:
- Advanced Layout
- Autolayout
- MapKit
- CollectionView
- Animations
- Day 6:
- Conclusions
- Questions about he course content