My first major C++ project I will be using this project to further my understanding and knowledge of C++ so I can hone my skills in application development.
Check the unstable branch for my latest updates to the code which still create code breaking errors.
Currently on indefinite hyatus I may or may not come back to this. This project is superceded by my JavaFX Calculator.
- Uploaded to github
- Very basic calculator that can run basic math operations in expression form
- Example: 2+2 Outputs: 4 | 2 * 2 Outputs: 4
- Finds the Mode of an array I made; I made this to see if I could do median and mode in C++ will be eloberated on in future updates
- Now with GUI using the Dear ImGui library and OpenGL api
- No new Calculation features
- Re-organized the repository.
- Formulate "advanced" expressions
- Solve algebraic expressions
- Calculate common conversions