The library is an unofficial wrapper for multichain_cli JSON RPC.
Latest Nuget | MultiChain Starter
The Source is in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
The compiled Assemblies are targeting 4.8 and Core 6.0
This library divides the calls into
- MultiChainClient.Address
- MultiChainClient.Asset
- MultiChainClient.Block
- MultiChainClient.Peer
- MultiChainClient.Permission
- MultiChainClient.Transaction
- MultiChainClient.Utility
- MultiChainClient.Wallet
- MultiChainClient.Stream
and run your test chain
NOTE: This library is only available for v1 RPC
- edit your multichain.conf
- add port to your firewall
- allow your ip
example multichain.conf (use your settings)
rpcuser=multichainrpc rpcpassword=1jm2VNf2MdGK8ULQiMGg7Q4C8Jy89BJrzNJ5y9Mj7qaS rpcallowip=
Get your RPC port
view in your params.dat file
default-network-port = 9265 # Default TCP/IP port for peer-to-peer connection with other nodes. default-rpc-port = 9264 # USE THIS - Default TCP/IP port for incoming JSON-RPC API requests.
example usage:
MultiChainConnection connection = new MultiChainConnection()
Hostname = "IP",
Port = 100,
Username = "multichainrpc",
Password = "password",
ChainName = "chain1",
BurnAddress = "address",
RootNodeAddress = "address"
MultiChainClient _Client = new MultiChainClient(connection);
response = _Client.Wallet.GetNewAddress();
There are sync and async versions.
MultiChainConnection connection = new MultiChainConnection()
Hostname = "IP",
Port = 100,
Username = "multichainrpc",
Password = "password",
ChainName = "chain1",
BurnAddress = "address",
RootNodeAddress = "address"
MultiChainClient _Client = new MultiChainClient(connection);
JsonRpcResponse<string> response = _Client.Asset.Issue(issueAddress, assetName, quantity, units);
_Client.Asset.Send(toAddress, assetName, amount);
//Use SendAssetFrom to specify an address FROM and and address To
var response = _Client.Asset.Issue(fromAddress, new { name = assetName, open = true }, 10, 1, asset);
_Client.Asset.Subscribe(response.Result, true);
- MultiChain explorer running on C# ASP.NET MVC
- Change connection details in LucidOcean.MultiChain.Explorer.Data.ExplorerSettings to connect the explorer to your node.
* This works the same as seen in example of issue and sending of an asset.