BusTrackr is app created by Jonathan Värild, Lukas Nordström and Samuel Brodin as the project part of the course DH2642 Interaction Programming and the Dynamic Web (iprogdh). The application will allow users to track Stockholm local transport buses on a live map, create their own account, track favorite buses, etc.
- Responsive UI for desktop, mobile, and tablet.
- Interactive map using OpenMapTiles and OpenStreetMap.
- Interactive blips for all quays that react to the cursor.
- Blips and accuracy circle for user location.
- Header with logo and navbar.
- Controls for zooming and user location.
- Controls for showing favorites, trending, and shuffle.
- Input for search bar.
- Backend API (BusTrackr-Server, not part of grading 🥲😵)
- Endpoint for returning quays based on coordinate bounds.
- Endpoint for returning stops based on coordinate bounds.
- Endpoint for returning stop groups
- Based on coordinate bounds.
- Based on a list of IDs.
- Showing bus live location
- Blending between quays, stops, and stop groups depending on map zoom
- Displaying information about stops when clicked
- Showing a ranking of the most looked at & liked routes
- Ability to "like" routes
- Ability to "shuffle" a random bus
- Making searches based on stop locations or line number.
- Fetching bus details for a specific bus.
- User accounts.
- Global statistics such as online users.
- The other routes
: Contains directories files which git should ignoreindex.html
: Base HTML file, which React is mounted topackage-lock.json
: Generated by npm for locking down dependency versionspackage.json
: Dependencies for the project is listed hereREADME.md
: The file you're currently readingvite.config.js
: Configuration file for the build tool vite
: The GitHub actions (e.g. automatically build when pushed to prod).
: Main file, contains structure and routes for the entire appindex.jsx
: This files wraps App with the Redux store
: React component to render a customizable button, styling and functionality wise, used by many viewsCounter.jsx
: Temporary view for the counter, used for testingMapControls.jsx
: View that renders interactive controls for the map interfaceMapDataDebug.jsx
: View for directly rendering mapdata, used for debuggingMapSearchBar.jsx
: View that renders an input field to be used as a search barMapShortcuts.jsx
: View that renders a set of shortcut buttons for map interactions, using the ButtonWidget componentNavbarView.jsx
: View that renders a responsive navigation bar for the application
: Styling used specifically by ButtonWidgetglobal.css
: Global styling for the entire appMapSearchBar.module.css
: Styling used specifically by MapSearchBarMapUI.module.css
: Styling used specifically by MapUINavbar.module.css
: Styling used specifically by Navbar
: Image rendered on the map when very zoomed infavicon.ico
: The favicon for the applogo.png
: Logo for the app, used in the header
: Presenter for rendering information about the project.AttributionPresenter.jsx
: Presenter for rendering of attribution information.CounterTest.jsx
: Temporary presenter for testing the counter Redux reducers and actions.MapDataDebugPresenter.jsx
: Temporary presenter for showing visualizing data from the quays API calls.MapPresenter.jsx
: Presenter for the map and all its controls, buttons, etc.NavbarPresenter.jsx
: Presenter for the navbar component.
: Temporary reducers and actions for a simple counter that was used for testing.index.js
: Redux store configuration and merging of Redux reducers.interface.js
: Redux reducers and actions managing interface functionality such as the visibility of the hamburger menu.mapData.js
: Redux reducers and actions managing all state about the map such as blips, zoom, etc.
: Temporary file containing coordinates for a full bus route.
This project uses the OpenStreetMap JavaScript framework for rendering and some of their map data. For more information on OpenStreetMap's copyright and licensing, visit OpenStreetMap.
This project uses map styles from OpenMapTiles which is rendered with mapping data from Geofabrik and OpenStreetMap. For full license information, visit OpenMapTiles and Geofabrik.