Agent-Based Modeling:
This is a project implementation using a SIR
-like model. Is extended to SEIRs
- Susceptible
- Exposed
- Infected
- Recovered
- etc
Navigate to the agent_based_modelling
directory to view the support documents for the project.
See the model of the project in the
Implemented in Python:- Starsim, Django, Matplotlib, etc.
Extending SIR to SEIRs
Think of Agent-Based Modeling as a system of computational models that simulate behavior of individual agents in order to study emergent phenomena - in terms of disease infection in a population. Agents may represent humans, institutions, microorganisms, and disease vectors and so forth. Agent-based modeling provides a unique lens through which complex systems can be examined and understood.
Read More on Agent-Based Modeling:
├── about.html
├── agent_based_modelling # word documents/slides/manual for the project
│ ├── ABM_project_status_report.docx
│ ├── Agent-Based-Modelling.docx
│ ├──
│ └── epidemix_agent-based-modeling.pptx
├── css # styling
│ ├── bootstrap.min.css
│ └── style.css
├── img # image files
│ └── virus_sim.jpg:Zone.Identifier
├── index.html
├── js
│ └── main.js
├── model.html
├── resource.html
└── bootstrap.scss
Dr. Lawrence Nderu
Hilda Gichobi
Felista Mogire
Jany Muong
Joram Kireki
Jacob Kasunzu
Gatmach Yuol
Edwin Owino