A monorepo for my personal website and projects, built with Turborepo and pnpm.
A personal website with a blog, project showcase, and work information.
- 🚀 Next.js + TypeScript
- ➰ Framer Motion
- 🍃 Tailwind CSS
- ✍ MDX
To get started, I recommend installing pnpm since it's the package manager used in this repository.
Begin by forking the repository and then cloning it to your local machine:
git clone <your-fork>
Navigate to the project's root directory:
cd ./enji.dev
Next, copy the development version of the env
cp ./apps/jordan.dev/env.example ./apps/jordan.dev/env.local
Now, you have the env.local
file ready for configuration:
DATABASE_URL = your-database-connection-string
SALT_IP_ADDRESS = super-secret
use your database connection string. I personally use the free version of MongoDB, and you can do the same by creating a database there and adding the connection string to the env.local
, feel free to fill it with some of your secret words. It acts as a salt for hashing users' IP addresses.
Once configuration is complete, still at the root of the project directory, install the required dependencies:
pnpm install
Finally, run the project:
pnpm dev
Now, your project should be up and running smoothly!