A must-use plugin I use on all sites, to change some settings, like disabling auto updates.
This is a simple plugin which makes some adjustments to WordPress sites I maintain via Jos Klever Web Support. You can use this concept to add your own code snippets, just like I did.
There are 2 ways, manual and via MainWP Dashboard.
- Upload the file via (S)FTP or a file manager to /wp-content/mu-plugins/ of the WordPress website.
- Use the File Uploader Extension in MainWP Dashboard to choose the file.
- Enter /mu-plugins/ after the wp-content selection box.
- Select all the sites you wish to install the file on.
- Upload the file.
The function to exclude image thumbnails from UpdraftPlus backups was based on the code of the plugin "Exclude Image Thumbnails From UpdraftPlus Backups" by Dream-Encode