A chance to better learn lua 5.1 and love2d
> brew install [email protected]
> lua5.1
> brew install luarocks
> luarocks --lua-dir=/usr/local/opt/[email protected] install luasocket
> luarocks --lua-dir=/usr/local/opt/[email protected] show luasocket
# luarocks --lua-dir=/usr/local/opt/[email protected] path --bin
> eval $(luarocks --lua-dir=/usr/local/opt/[email protected] path --bin)
eval that to make lua5.1
know about the libraries
in an admin powershell do:
> choco install microsoft-build-tools
> choco install lua5.1
> choco install luarocks
in a visual c++ 2017 x86 native build tools command prompt with admin do:
> luarocks install luasocket
I recommend installing luacheck and vscode ext vscode-luacheck
gameboy mode
arrow keys to move
up rotates, space drops
tetris 99 mode
arrow keys to move (up drops)
Z and X to rotate (CCW, CW)
S to hold/swap brick
P pauses
R restarts
ESC to exit
- report feedback please. none currently AFAIK
- screensaver shader BG thingie, maybe
- networking features
- log events to UDP
- lobby to pair 2 players
- vs game
- love file for desktop
- android apk
- ios ipa
- web runner