Tested on Linux server - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64bit
This script installs Docker and Docker Compose, sets up automatic updates for Docker images and containers, and configures Docker to start on system boot on Linux
- Installs Docker and Docker Compose.
- Sets up a systemd timer and service to automatically update Docker images and containers daily at midnight.
- Configures Docker to start on system boot.
- Save this script to a file named
- Make it executable
chmod +x install_vscode_server.sh
- Execute it with root privileges
sudo ./install_docker.sh
- Optional:
- Copy/paste from here to your server machine and create/open file with following command:
sudo nano path/to/your/install_docker.sh
- Use git to download specific file from github repo. On your machine navigate to
cd path/to/your/directory
and download desired file via weblink using commandswget
wget -O install_docker.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JozeFons/Docker_installation_script/main/install_docker.sh