This is just a quick example of how to generate boilerplate code with generic template files in go.
The templates are working with go text/template
The text/template
package provides a powerful templating engine that is easy to use and flexible.
The example templates are located in templates/test
The templates are working recursively with subdirectories. You can add template for directories and for files.
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition;
namespace {{.namespace}};
class {{.entityName|PascalCase}}Definition extends EntityDefinition
public const ENTITY_NAME = '{{.tableName|SnakeCase}}';
Will result in
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Swag\MyFancyPlugin\Content\Entity\SwagMyFancyEntity;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition;
class SwagMyFancyEntityDefinition extends EntityDefinition
public const ENTITY_NAME = 'swag_my_fancy_entity';
Variables can be defined and accessed within templates. Here's how you can define and use variables:
{{ .GlobalVariableName | SnakeCase }}
//or static variables
{{ $variable := "Hello, World!" }}
{{ $variable }}
You can use if queries to conditionally render content based on boolean conditions. Here's an example:
{{ if .Condition }}
This content will be rendered if Condition is true.
{{ else }}
This content will be rendered if Condition is false.
{{ end }}
You can use loops to iterate over collections such as slices, arrays, maps, or even strings. Here's an example of looping over a slice:
{{ range .Items }}
{{ . }} <!-- Access each item in the slice -->
{{ end }}
Go templates support function calls for more complex operations. You can define custom functions or use built-in functions. Here's an example of using a built-in function:
{{ $result := add 2 3 }}
{{ $result }} <!-- Output: 5 -->
The following helper methods have been provided flexibility in transforming string cases according to your specific requirements.
Camel case is a naming convention where the first letter of each word except the first is capitalized and spaces are removed. Here's how you can convert a string to camel case:
{{ .Variable | CamelCase }}
Snake case is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores and all letters are lowercase. Here's how you can convert a string to snake case:
{{ .Variable | SnakeCase }}
Kebab case is similar to snake case, but words are separated by hyphens instead of underscores. Here's how you can convert a string to kebab case:
{{ .Variable | KebabCase }}
Pascal case is similar to camel case, but the first letter of each word is capitalized. Here's how you can convert a string to Pascal case:
{{ .Variable | PascalCase }}
The docker compose file just runs the hello.go
Just run docker-compose up
and check the testoutput
You can adjust variables for the template inside the hello.go
main function. You can add more file inside the template directory if you want.