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Simone Carlo Surace authored and simsurace committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent 72060d0 commit 6650adc
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Showing 2 changed files with 166 additions and 166 deletions.
296 changes: 148 additions & 148 deletions test/rulesets/LinearAlgebra/dense.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
@testset "dense LinearAlgebra" begin
# @testset "dot" begin
# @testset "Vector{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# @gpu test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3))
# @gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3))
# end
# @testset "Array{$T, 3}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3, 4, 5), randn(T, 3, 4, 5))
# test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3, 4, 5), randn(T, 3, 4, 5))
# end
# @testset "mismatched shapes" begin
# # forward
# @gpu test_frule(dot, randn(3, 5), randn(5, 3))
# @gpu test_frule(dot, randn(15), randn(5, 3))
# # reverse
# @gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(3, 5), randn(5, 3))
# @gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(15), randn(5, 3))
# end
# @testset "3-arg dot, Array{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# @gpu_broken test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3, 4), randn(T, 4))
# @gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3, 4), randn(T, 4))
# end
# permuteddimsarray(A) = PermutedDimsArray(A, (2,1))
# @testset "3-arg dot, $F{$T}" for T in (Float32, ComplexF32), F in (adjoint, permuteddimsarray)
# A = F(rand(T, 4, 3)) ⊢ F(rand(T, 4, 3))
# test_frule(dot, rand(T, 3), A, rand(T, 4); rtol=1f-3)
# test_rrule(dot, rand(T, 3), A, rand(T, 4); rtol=1f-3)
# end
# @testset "different types" begin
# test_rrule(dot, rand(2), rand(2, 2), rand(ComplexF64, 2))
# test_rrule(dot, rand(2), Diagonal(rand(2)), rand(ComplexF64, 2))
@testset "dot" begin
@testset "Vector{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@gpu test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3))
@gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3))
@testset "Array{$T, 3}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3, 4, 5), randn(T, 3, 4, 5))
test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3, 4, 5), randn(T, 3, 4, 5))
@testset "mismatched shapes" begin
# forward
@gpu test_frule(dot, randn(3, 5), randn(5, 3))
@gpu test_frule(dot, randn(15), randn(5, 3))
# reverse
@gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(3, 5), randn(5, 3))
@gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(15), randn(5, 3))
@testset "3-arg dot, Array{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@gpu_broken test_frule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3, 4), randn(T, 4))
@gpu test_rrule(dot, randn(T, 3), randn(T, 3, 4), randn(T, 4))
permuteddimsarray(A) = PermutedDimsArray(A, (2,1))
@testset "3-arg dot, $F{$T}" for T in (Float32, ComplexF32), F in (adjoint, permuteddimsarray)
A = F(rand(T, 4, 3)) F(rand(T, 4, 3))
test_frule(dot, rand(T, 3), A, rand(T, 4); rtol=1f-3)
test_rrule(dot, rand(T, 3), A, rand(T, 4); rtol=1f-3)
@testset "different types" begin
test_rrule(dot, rand(2), rand(2, 2), rand(ComplexF64, 2))
test_rrule(dot, rand(2), Diagonal(rand(2)), rand(ComplexF64, 2))

# # Inference failure due to
# test_rrule(dot, Diagonal(rand(2)), rand(2, 2); check_inferred=false)
# end
# end
# Inference failure due to
test_rrule(dot, Diagonal(rand(2)), rand(2, 2); check_inferred=false)

# @testset "mul!" begin
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5))
# test_frule(mul!, rand(3, 3), rand(3, 3), rand(3, 3))
# test_frule(mul!, rand(3, 3), rand(), rand(3, 3))
@testset "mul!" begin
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5))
test_frule(mul!, rand(3, 3), rand(3, 3), rand(3, 3))
test_frule(mul!, rand(3, 3), rand(), rand(3, 3))

# # Rule with α,β::Bool is only visually more complicated:
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, true)
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), false, true)
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, false)
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), false, false)
# Rule with α,β::Bool is only visually more complicated:
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, true)
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), false, true)
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, false)
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), false, false)

# # Rule with nontrivial α, β allocates A*B:
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, randn())
# test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), randn(), randn())
# end
# Rule with nontrivial α, β allocates A*B:
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), true, randn())
test_frule(mul!, rand(4), rand(4, 5), rand(5), randn(), randn())

# @testset "cross" begin
# test_frule(cross, randn(3), randn(3))
# test_frule(cross, randn(ComplexF64, 3), randn(ComplexF64, 3))
# test_rrule(cross, randn(3), randn(3))
# # No complex support for rrule(cross,...
@testset "cross" begin
test_frule(cross, randn(3), randn(3))
test_frule(cross, randn(ComplexF64, 3), randn(ComplexF64, 3))
test_rrule(cross, randn(3), randn(3))
# No complex support for rrule(cross,...

# # mix types
# test_rrule(cross, rand(3), rand(Float32, 3); rtol = 1.0e-7, atol = 1.0e-7)
# end
# @testset "pinv" begin
# @testset "$T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# test_scalar(pinv, randn(T))
# @test frule((ZeroTangent(), randn(T)), pinv, zero(T))[2] ≈ zero(T)
# @test rrule(pinv, zero(T))[2](randn(T))[2] ≈ zero(T)
# end
# @testset "Vector{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# test_frule(pinv, randn(T, 3), 0.0)
# test_frule(pinv, randn(T, 3), 0.0)
# mix types
test_rrule(cross, rand(3), rand(Float32, 3); rtol = 1.0e-7, atol = 1.0e-7)
@testset "pinv" begin
@testset "$T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
test_scalar(pinv, randn(T))
@test frule((ZeroTangent(), randn(T)), pinv, zero(T))[2] zero(T)
@test rrule(pinv, zero(T))[2](randn(T))[2] zero(T)
@testset "Vector{$T}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
test_frule(pinv, randn(T, 3), 0.0)
test_frule(pinv, randn(T, 3), 0.0)

# # Checking types. TODO do we still need this?
# x = randn(T, 3)
# ẋ = randn(T, 3)
# Δy = copyto!(similar(pinv(x)), randn(T, 3))
# @test frule((ZeroTangent(), ẋ), pinv, x)[2] isa typeof(pinv(x))
# @test rrule(pinv, x)[2](Δy)[2] isa typeof(x)
# end
# Checking types. TODO do we still need this?
x = randn(T, 3)
= randn(T, 3)
Δy = copyto!(similar(pinv(x)), randn(T, 3))
@test frule((ZeroTangent(), ẋ), pinv, x)[2] isa typeof(pinv(x))
@test rrule(pinv, x)[2](Δy)[2] isa typeof(x)

# @testset "$F{Vector{$T}}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64), F in (Transpose, Adjoint)
# test_frule(pinv, F(randn(T, 3)))
# test_rrule(pinv, F(randn(T, 3)))
@testset "$F{Vector{$T}}" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64), F in (Transpose, Adjoint)
test_frule(pinv, F(randn(T, 3)))
test_rrule(pinv, F(randn(T, 3)))

# # Check types.
# # TODO: Do we need this still?
# x, ẋ, x̄ = F(randn(T, 3)), F(randn(T, 3)), F(randn(T, 3))
# y = pinv(x)
# Δy = copyto!(similar(y), randn(T, 3))
# Check types.
# TODO: Do we need this still?
x, ẋ, x̄ = F(randn(T, 3)), F(randn(T, 3)), F(randn(T, 3))
y = pinv(x)
Δy = copyto!(similar(y), randn(T, 3))

# y_fwd, ∂y_fwd = frule((ZeroTangent(), ẋ), pinv, x)
# @test y_fwd isa typeof(y)
# @test ∂y_fwd isa typeof(y)
y_fwd, ∂y_fwd = frule((ZeroTangent(), ẋ), pinv, x)
@test y_fwd isa typeof(y)
@test ∂y_fwd isa typeof(y)

# y_rev, back = rrule(pinv, x)
# @test y_rev isa typeof(y)
# @test back(Δy)[2] isa typeof(x)
# end
# @testset "Matrix{$T} with size ($m,$n)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64),
# m in 1:3,
# n in 1:3
y_rev, back = rrule(pinv, x)
@test y_rev isa typeof(y)
@test back(Δy)[2] isa typeof(x)
@testset "Matrix{$T} with size ($m,$n)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64),
m in 1:3,
n in 1:3

# test_frule(pinv, randn(T, m, n))
# test_rrule(pinv, randn(T, m, n))
# end
# end
# @testset "$f" for f in (det, logdet)
# @testset "$f(::$T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# b = (f === logdet && T <: Real) ? abs(randn(T)) : randn(T)
# test_scalar(f, b)
# end
# @testset "$f(::Matrix{$T})" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# B = generate_well_conditioned_matrix(T, 4)
# if f === logdet && float(T) <: Float32
# test_frule(f, B; atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
# test_rrule(f, B; atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
# else
# test_frule(f, B)
# test_rrule(f, B)
# end
# end
# @testset "$f(complex determinant)" begin
# B = randn(ComplexF64, 4, 4)
# U = exp(B - B')
# test_frule(f, U)
# test_rrule(f, U)
# end
# @testset "gpu" begin
# @gpu_broken test_rrule(f, reshape(1:9, 3, 3)+I*pi)
# end
# end
# @testset "logabsdet(::Matrix{$T})" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# B = randn(T, 4, 4)
# test_frule(logabsdet, B)
# test_rrule(logabsdet, B)
# # test for opposite sign of determinant
# test_frule(logabsdet, -B)
# test_rrule(logabsdet, -B)
# end
# @testset "tr" begin
# @gpu test_frule(tr, randn(4, 4))
# @gpu test_rrule(tr, randn(4, 4))
# end
# @testset "sylvester" begin
# @testset "T=$T, m=$m, n=$n" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64), m in (2, 3), n in (1, 3)
# A = randn(T, m, m)
# B = randn(T, n, n)
# C = randn(T, m, n)
# test_frule(sylvester, A, B, C)
# test_rrule(sylvester, A, B, C)
# end
# end
# @testset "lyap" begin
# n = 3
# @testset "Float64" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
# A = randn(T, n, n)
# C = randn(T, n, n)
# test_frule(lyap, A, C)
# test_rrule(lyap, A, C)
# end
# end
test_frule(pinv, randn(T, m, n))
test_rrule(pinv, randn(T, m, n))
@testset "$f" for f in (det, logdet)
@testset "$f(::$T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
b = (f === logdet && T <: Real) ? abs(randn(T)) : randn(T)
test_scalar(f, b)
@testset "$f(::Matrix{$T})" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
B = generate_well_conditioned_matrix(T, 4)
if f === logdet && float(T) <: Float32
test_frule(f, B; atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
test_rrule(f, B; atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
test_frule(f, B)
test_rrule(f, B)
@testset "$f(complex determinant)" begin
B = randn(ComplexF64, 4, 4)
U = exp(B - B')
test_frule(f, U)
test_rrule(f, U)
@testset "gpu" begin
@gpu_broken test_rrule(f, reshape(1:9, 3, 3)+I*pi)
@testset "logabsdet(::Matrix{$T})" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
B = randn(T, 4, 4)
test_frule(logabsdet, B)
test_rrule(logabsdet, B)
# test for opposite sign of determinant
test_frule(logabsdet, -B)
test_rrule(logabsdet, -B)
@testset "tr" begin
@gpu test_frule(tr, randn(4, 4))
@gpu test_rrule(tr, randn(4, 4))
@testset "sylvester" begin
@testset "T=$T, m=$m, n=$n" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64), m in (2, 3), n in (1, 3)
A = randn(T, m, m)
B = randn(T, n, n)
C = randn(T, m, n)
test_frule(sylvester, A, B, C)
test_rrule(sylvester, A, B, C)
@testset "lyap" begin
n = 3
@testset "Float64" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
A = randn(T, n, n)
C = randn(T, n, n)
test_frule(lyap, A, C)
test_rrule(lyap, A, C)
VERSION v"1.9.0" && @testset "kron" begin
@testset "AbstractVecOrMat{$T1}, AbstractVecOrMat{$T2}" for T1 in (Float64, ComplexF64), T2 in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@testset "frule" begin
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ end
include("test_helpers.jl") # This can't be skipped

# test_method_tables() # Check the global method tables are consistent
test_method_tables() # Check the global method tables are consistent

# Each file puts all tests inside one or more @testset blocks
Expand All @@ -64,30 +64,30 @@ end

# include_test("unzipped.jl") # used primarily for broadcast
include_test("unzipped.jl") # used primarily for broadcast

# println()

# include_test("rulesets/Statistics/statistics.jl")

# println()

# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/norm.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/matfun.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/structured.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/symmetric.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/factorization.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/blas.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/lapack.jl")
# include_test("rulesets/LinearAlgebra/uniformscaling.jl")

# println()

# include_test("rulesets/SparseArrays/sparsematrix.jl")

# println()

# include_test("rulesets/Random/random.jl")
# println()

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