added helpful failure massages for tests #426
This run and associated checks have been archived and are scheduled for deletion.
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4 errors and 1 warning
doctest failure in src/
```jldoctest ex
julia> using ChainRulesTestUtils;
julia> test_frule(two2three, 3.33, -7.77);
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_frule: two2three on Float64,Float64 | 6 6 2.7s
test_frule(two2three, 3.33, -7.77);
Evaluated output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
test_frule: two2three on Float64,Float64 | 6 6
Expected output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_frule: two2three on Float64,Float64 | 6 6 2.7s
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_frule: two2three on Float64,Float64 | 6 6 2.7s6
doctest failure in src/
```jldoctest ex
julia> test_rrule(two2three, 3.33, -7.77);
test_rrule: two2three on Float64,Float64: Test Failed at /home/lior/.julia/dev/ChainRulesTestUtils/src/check_result.jl:24
Expression: isapprox(actual, expected; kwargs...)
Problem: cotangent for input 2, Float64
Evaluated: isapprox(-4.032, -3.840000000001641; rtol = 1.0e-9, atol = 1.0e-9)
test_rrule(two2three, 3.33, -7.77);
Evaluated output:
test_rrule: two2three on Float64,Float64: Test Failed at /home/runner/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/check_result.jl:24
Problem: cotangent for input 2, Float64
[1] record(ts::Test.DefaultTestSet, t::Union{Test.Error, Test.Fail})
@ Test /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Test/src/Test.jl:809
[2] do_test(result::Test.ExecutionResult, orig_expr::Any)
@ Test /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Test/src/Test.jl:555
[3] test_approx(actual::Union{Number, AbstractArray{var"#s46", N} where {var"#s46"<:Number, N}}, expected::Union{Number, AbstractArray{var"#s45", N} where {var"#s45"<:Number, N}}, msg::Any; kwargs::Any)
@ ChainRulesTestUtils ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/check_result.jl:24
[4] _test_cotangent(accum_cotangent::Any, ad_cotangent::Any, fd_cotangent::Any, msg::Any; check_inferred::Any, kwargs::Any)
@ ChainRulesTestUtils ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:312
[5] (::ChainRulesTestUtils.var"#65#70"{Bool, NamedTuple{(:rtol, :atol), Tuple{Float64, Float64}}})(::Any, ::Vararg{Any, N} where N)
@ ChainRulesTestUtils ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:236
[6] foreach(::Function, ::Tuple{ChainRulesCore.NoTangent, Float64, Float64}, ::Tuple{ChainRulesCore.NoTangent, Float64, Float64}, ::Vararg{Any, N} where N)
@ Base ./abstractarray.jl:2142
[7] macro expansion
@ ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:235 [inlined]
[8] macro expansion
@ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Test/src/Test.jl:1151 [inlined]
[9] test_rrule(::ChainRulesCore.RuleConfig, ::Any, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any, N} where N; output_tangent::Any, check_thunked_output_tangent::Any, fdm::Any, rrule_f::Any, check_inferred::Bool, fkwargs::NamedTuple, rtol::Real, atol::Real, testset_name::Any, kwargs::Any)
@ ChainRulesTestUtils ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:205
[10] test_rrule
@ ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:197 [inlined]
[11] #test_rrule#62
@ ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:178 [inlined]
[12] test_rrule(::Any, ::Any, ::Any)
@ ChainRulesTestUtils ~/work/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/ChainRulesTestUtils.jl/src/testers.jl:178
[13] top-level scope
@ none:1
[14] eval
@ ./boot.jl:360 [inlined]
[15] #5
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bYYzK/src/DocTests.jl:245 [inlined]
[16] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.DocTests.var"#5#6"{Module}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[17] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:491
[18] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:603 [inlined]
[19] capture(f::Documenter.DocTests.var"#5#6"{Module}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[20] eval_repl(block::Documenter.DocTests.MutableMD2CodeBlock, sandbox::Module, meta::Dict{Symbol, Any}, doc::Documenter.Documents.Document, page::String)
@ Documenter.DocTests ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bYYzK/src/DocTests.jl:244
[21] doctest(ctx::Documenter.DocTests.DocTestContext, block_immutable::Documenter.Utilities.Markdown2.CodeBlock)
@ Documenter.DocTests ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/bYYzK/src/Do
doctest failure in src/
```jldoctest ex
julia> test_scalar(relu, 0.5);
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at 0.5 | 12 12 1.2s
julia> test_scalar(relu, -0.5);
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at -0.5 | 12 12 0.0s
test_scalar(relu, 0.5);
Evaluated output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
test_scalar: relu at 0.5 | 11 11
Expected output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at 0.5 | 12 12 1.2s
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at 0.5 | 12 12 1.2s11 11
doctest failure in src/
```jldoctest ex
julia> test_scalar(relu, 0.5);
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at 0.5 | 12 12 1.2s
julia> test_scalar(relu, -0.5);
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at -0.5 | 12 12 0.0s
test_scalar(relu, -0.5);
Evaluated output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
test_scalar: relu at -0.5 | 11 11
Expected output:
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at -0.5 | 12 12 0.0s
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time
test_scalar: relu at -0.5 | 12 12 0.0s11 11
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2. For more info: