Metal v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Migrate to metal C++? (#2)
- Improved errors when calling device functions on CPU (#90)
- Improve Objective-C interfacing (#104)
- Rename
(#116) - Add functionality check helper (#121)
- inputing non-isbits types (#128)
- @metal docstring out-of-date (#129)
- mapreduce kernel uses too many threads (#132)
- Powers don't work with complex floats (#142)
Merged pull requests:
- Add contributing documentation (#93) (@max-Hawkins)
- Reduce multiple consecutive values in each thread to improve efficiency (#112) (@maxwindiff)
- Remove libcmt, use native ObjectiveC FFI (#117) (@maleadt)
- Rename grid to groups (#119) (@habemus-papadum)
- Audit MRR (#122) (@maleadt)
- Faster in-place reduction by using broadcasting to initialize partial… (#123) (@maxwindiff)
- Add MPS matrix decompositions (#124) (@tgymnich)
- Minor documentation formatting (#125) (@asinghvi17)
- Switch default mode to private storage (#126) (@christiangnrd)
- Update manifest (#127) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add some MtlArray docs (#130) (@christiangnrd)
- Port MetalKernels (#131) (@maxwindiff)
- Adapt to GPUCompiler 0.18. (#134) (@maleadt)
- Support passing non-isbits arguments, as long as they're unused. (#135) (@maleadt)
- Do not change grain size after pipeline creation (#136) (@maxwindiff)
- Bump GPUArrays. (#137) (@maleadt)
- Specialize GPUArrays' global_size query. (#139) (@maleadt)
- Catch errors that happen during command buffer callbacks. (#140) (@maleadt)
- Call the correct current_device() in reflection (#143) (@maxwindiff)
- Error when calling device functions on CPU (#144) (@christiangnrd)
- Implement MTLGPUFamily and use it to validate gpu (#146) (@christiangnrd)
- Add
(#147) (@christiangnrd) - Update manifest (#148) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for StaticArrays at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#151) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update to LLVM.jl 5 and GPUCompiler 0.19. (#154) (@maleadt)