Remove unnecessary dependency (Formatting.jl) (#188) #81
7 warnings and 1 notice
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
11 docstrings not included in the manual:
NetCDF.nc_char2string :: Tuple{Array{NetCDF.ASCIIChar}}
NetCDF.check :: Tuple{Int32}
NetCDF.nc_string2char :: Tuple{Array{String}}
NetCDF.readvar! :: Union{Tuple{N}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{NcVar{T, N}, AbstractArray, Vararg{Union{Colon, Integer, UnitRange}}}} where {T, N}
NetCDF.readvar! :: Tuple{NcVar, AbstractArray}
NetCDF.putatt :: Tuple{NcFile, AbstractString, Dict}
NetCDF.NetCDFError :: Tuple{Int32}
NetCDF._close :: Tuple{Union{NcFile, NcVar}}
NetCDF.sync :: Tuple{NcFile}
These are docstrings in the checked modules (configured with the modules keyword)
that are not included in @docs or @autodocs blocks.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `stable` and linking `stable` to `v0.11.8`.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `v0.11` and linking `v0.11` to `v0.11.8`.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `v0.8` and linking `v0.8` to `v0.8.2`.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `v0.7` and linking `v0.7` to `v0.7.3`.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `v0.6` and linking `v0.6` to `v0.6.0`.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest:
removing `v0.5` and linking `v0.5` to `v0.5.0`.
Run julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@latest
Consider using `julia-actions/cache` to speed up runs To ignore, set input `ignore-no-cache: true`
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.