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rename UnitQuaternion to QuatRotation (#201)
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* rename UnitQuaternion to QuatRotation

* deprecate UnitQuaternion

* update export

* update README

* fix export

* remove old deprecation

* update export
  • Loading branch information
hyrodium authored Nov 17, 2021
1 parent 2e02102 commit 1e70142
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24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ rotation_angle(r::Rotation)
#### Initialization
All rotation types support `one(R)` to construct the identity rotation for the desired parameterization. A random rotation, uniformly sampled over the space of rotations, can be sampled using `rand(R)`. For example:
r = one(UnitQuaternion) # equivalent to Quat(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
q = rand(UnitQuaternion)
r = one(QuatRotation) # equivalent to QuatRotation(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
q = rand(QuatRotation)
p = rand(MRP{Float32})

#### Conversion
All rotatations can be converted to another parameterization by simply calling the constructor for the desired parameterization. For example:
q = rand(UnitQuaternion)
q = rand(QuatRotation)
aa = AngleAxis(q)
r = RotMatrix(aa)
Expand All @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ r = rand(RotMatrix{3}) # uses Float64 by default
# create a point
p = SVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # from StaticArrays.jl, but could use any AbstractVector...

# convert to a quaternion (Quat) and rotate the point
q = UnitQuaternion(r)
# convert to a quaternion (QuatRotation) and rotate the point
q = QuatRotation(r)
p_rotated = q * p

# Compose rotations
q2 = rand(UnitQuaternion)
q2 = rand(QuatRotation)
q3 = q * q2

# Take the inverse (equivalent to transpose)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ j2 = Rotations.jacobian(q, p) # How does the rotated point q*p change w.r.t. the
renormalized by the constructor to be a unit vector, so that `theta` always
represents the rotation angle in radians.

3. **Quaternions** `UnitQuaternion{T}`
3. **Quaternions** `QuatRotation{T}`

A 3D rotation parameterized by a unit quaternion. Note that the constructor
will renormalize the quaternion to be a unit quaternion, and that although
they follow the same multiplicative *algebra* as quaternions, it is better
to think of `UnitQuaternion` as a 3×3 matrix rather than as a quaternion *number*.
to think of `QuatRotation` as a 3×3 matrix rather than as a quaternion *number*.

Previously `Quat`.
Previously `Quat`, `UnitQuaternion`.

4. **Rotation Vector** `RotationVec{T}`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ differential unit quaternion. This mapping goes singular at 360°.
differential unit quaternion. This mapping also goes singular at 180° but is
the computationally cheapest map and often performs well.

Rotations.jl provides the `RotationError` type for representing rotation errors, that act just like a `SVector{3}` but carry the nonlinear map used to compute the error, which can also be used to convert the error back to a `UnitQuaternion` (and, by extention, any other 3D rotation parameterization). The following methods are useful for computing `RotationError`s and adding them back to the nominal rotation:
Rotations.jl provides the `RotationError` type for representing rotation errors, that act just like a `SVector{3}` but carry the nonlinear map used to compute the error, which can also be used to convert the error back to a `QuatRotation` (and, by extention, any other 3D rotation parameterization). The following methods are useful for computing `RotationError`s and adding them back to the nominal rotation:
rotation_error(R1::Rotation, R2::Rotation, error_map::ErrorMap) # compute the error between `R1` and `R2` using `error_map`
add_error(R::Rotation, err::RotationError) # "adds" the error to `R` by converting back a `UnitQuaterion` and composing with `R`
Expand All @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ R1 ⊕ err # alias for `add_error(R1, err)`

For a practical application of these ideas, see the quatenrion-multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (MEKF). [This article]( provides a good description.

When taking derivatives with respect to quaternions we need to account both for these mappings and the fact that local perturbations to a rotation act through composition instead of addition, as they do in vector space (e.g. `q * dq` vs `x + dx`). The following methods are useful for computing these Jacobians for `UnitQuaternion`, `RodriguesParam` or `MRP`
When taking derivatives with respect to quaternions we need to account both for these mappings and the fact that local perturbations to a rotation act through composition instead of addition, as they do in vector space (e.g. `q * dq` vs `x + dx`). The following methods are useful for computing these Jacobians for `QuatRotation`, `RodriguesParam` or `MRP`
* `∇rotate(q,r)`: Jacobian of the `q*r` with respect to the rotation
* `∇composition1(q2,q1)`: Jacobian of `q2*q1` with respect to q1
* `∇composition2(q2,q1,b)`: Jacobian of `q2*q1` with respect to q2
Expand All @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ All parameterizations can be converted to and from (mutable or immutable)
using StaticArrays, Rotations

# export
q = UnitQuaternion(1.0,0,0,0)
q = QuatRotation(1.0,0,0,0)
matrix_mutable = Array(q)
matrix_immutable = SMatrix{3,3}(q)

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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
using Rotations

## `UnitQuaternion`
## `QuatRotation`
A 3D rotation parameterized by a unit [quaternion]( ([versor](
Note that the constructor will renormalize the quaternion to be a unit quaternion, and that although they follow the same multiplicative *algebra* as quaternions, it is better to think of `UnitQuaternion` as a ``3 \times 3`` matrix rather than as a quaternion *number*.
Note that the constructor will renormalize the quaternion to be a unit quaternion, and that although they follow the same multiplicative *algebra* as quaternions, it is better to think of `QuatRotation` as a ``3 \times 3`` matrix rather than as a quaternion *number*.

Expand All @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ Note that the constructor will renormalize the quaternion to be a unit quaternio

```@repl quaternions
one(UnitQuaternion) # null rotation
one(QuatRotation) # null rotation
α, β, γ = 1.2, -0.8, 0.1;
RotX(α) ≈ UnitQuaternion(cos(α/2),sin(α/2),0,0) # These matrices are equal
RotY(β) ≈ UnitQuaternion(cos(β/2),0,sin(β/2),0) # These matrices are equal
RotZ(γ) ≈ UnitQuaternion(cos(γ/2),0,0,sin(γ/2)) # These matrices are equal
RotX(α) ≈ QuatRotation(cos(α/2),sin(α/2),0,0) # These matrices are equal
RotY(β) ≈ QuatRotation(cos(β/2),0,sin(β/2),0) # These matrices are equal
RotZ(γ) ≈ QuatRotation(cos(γ/2),0,0,sin(γ/2)) # These matrices are equal

## `RodriguesParam`
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Rotations.params(RotYZY(R)) # Proper Euler angles, (y,z,y)
Rotations.params(RotXYZ(R)) # Tait–Bryan angles, (y,z,y)
Rotations.params(AngleAxis(R)) # Rotation around an axis (theta, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z)
Rotations.params(RotationVec(R)) # Rotation vector (v_x, v_y, v_z)
Rotations.params(UnitQuaternion(R)) # Quaternion (w, x, y, z)
Rotations.params(QuatRotation(R)) # Quaternion (w, x, y, z)
Rotations.params(RodriguesParam(R)) # Rodrigues Parameters (x, y, z)
Rotations.params(MRP(R)) # Modified Rodrigues Parameters (x, y, z)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ The following types have an algebraic structure that is homomorphic to ``SO(3)``
* `RotXYZ` (and other Euler angles)
* `AngleAxis`
* `RotationVec`
* `UnitQuaternion`
* `QuatRotation`
* `RodriguesParam`
* `MRP`

Expand All @@ -118,4 +118,4 @@ Note that:
* `rand(RotX)` is same as `RotX(2π*rand())`.
* `rand(RotXY)` is same as `RotXY(2π*rand(), 2π*rand())`.
* `rand(RotXYZ)` is **not** same as `RotXYZ(2π*rand(), 2π*rand(), 2π*rand())`.
* But `rand(RotXYZ)` is same as `RotXYZ(rand(UnitQuaternion))`.
* But `rand(RotXYZ)` is same as `RotXYZ(rand(QuatRotation))`.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ R_euler = RotXYZ(1,2,3)
rotation_angle(R_euler), rotation_axis(R_euler)
# Convert the rotation to unit quaternion
R_quat = UnitQuaternion(R_euler)
R_quat = QuatRotation(R_euler)
# Get quaternion parameters of the rotation
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ For more information, see the sidebar page.
* Rotation around given axis and angle.
* `RotationVec`
* Rotation around given axis. The length of axis vector represents its angle.
* `UnitQuaternion`
* `QuatRotation`
* A 3D rotation parameterized by a unit quaternion.
* `MRP`
* A 3D rotation encoded by the stereographic projection of a unit quaternion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion perf/runbenchmarks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const suite = BenchmarkGroup()

noneuler = suite["Non-Euler conversions"] = BenchmarkGroup()
rotationtypes = [RotMatrix3{T}, UnitQuaternion{T}, MRP{T}, AngleAxis{T}, RotationVec{T}]
rotationtypes = [RotMatrix3{T}, QuatRotation{T}, MRP{T}, AngleAxis{T}, RotationVec{T}]
for (from, to) in product(rotationtypes, rotationtypes)
if from != to
name = "$(string(from)) -> $(string(to))"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Rotations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ export
# Rotation types
Rotation, RotMatrix, RotMatrix2, RotMatrix3,
AngleAxis, RotationVec, RodriguesParam, MRP,
RotX, RotY, RotZ,
RotXY, RotYX, RotZX, RotXZ, RotYZ, RotZY,

# Deprecated, but export for compatibility
RodriguesVec, Quat, SPQuat,

# Quaternion math ops
logm, expm, , ,
Expand Down
52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions src/angleaxis_types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ params(aa::AngleAxis) = SVector{4}(aa.theta, aa.axis_x, aa.axis_y, aa.axis_z)

# These functions are enough to satisfy the entire StaticArrays interface:
@inline (::Type{AA})(t::NTuple{9}) where {AA <: AngleAxis} = AA(UnitQuaternion(t)) # TODO: consider going directly from tuple (RotMatrix) to AngleAxis
@inline Base.getindex(aa::AngleAxis, i::Int) = UnitQuaternion(aa)[i]
@inline (::Type{AA})(t::NTuple{9}) where {AA <: AngleAxis} = AA(QuatRotation(t)) # TODO: consider going directly from tuple (RotMatrix) to AngleAxis
@inline Base.getindex(aa::AngleAxis, i::Int) = QuatRotation(aa)[i]

@inline function Base.Tuple(aa::AngleAxis{T}) where T
# Rodrigues' rotation formula.
Expand All @@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ end
c1xz + sy, c1yz - sx, one(T) - c1x2 - c1y2)

@inline function (::Type{Q})(aa::AngleAxis) where Q <: UnitQuaternion
@inline function (::Type{Q})(aa::AngleAxis) where Q <: QuatRotation
s, c = sincos(aa.theta / 2)
return Q(c, s * aa.axis_x, s * aa.axis_y, s * aa.axis_z, false)

@inline function (::Type{AA})(q::UnitQuaternion) where AA <: AngleAxis
@inline function (::Type{AA})(q::QuatRotation) where AA <: AngleAxis
w = q.q.s
x = q.q.v1
y = q.q.v2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ function Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, v::StaticVector)
v[3] * ct + w_cross_pt[3] * st + w[3] * m)

@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::Rotation) = UnitQuaternion(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::RotMatrix) = UnitQuaternion(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::MRP) = UnitQuaternion(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(r::Rotation, aa::AngleAxis) = r * UnitQuaternion(aa)
@inline Base.:*(r::RotMatrix, aa::AngleAxis) = r * UnitQuaternion(aa)
@inline Base.:*(r::MRP, aa::AngleAxis) = r * UnitQuaternion(aa)
@inline Base.:*(aa1::AngleAxis, aa2::AngleAxis) = UnitQuaternion(aa1) * UnitQuaternion(aa2)
@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::Rotation) = QuatRotation(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::RotMatrix) = QuatRotation(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(aa::AngleAxis, r::MRP) = QuatRotation(aa) * r
@inline Base.:*(r::Rotation, aa::AngleAxis) = r * QuatRotation(aa)
@inline Base.:*(r::RotMatrix, aa::AngleAxis) = r * QuatRotation(aa)
@inline Base.:*(r::MRP, aa::AngleAxis) = r * QuatRotation(aa)
@inline Base.:*(aa1::AngleAxis, aa2::AngleAxis) = QuatRotation(aa1) * QuatRotation(aa2)

@inline Base.inv(aa::AngleAxis) = AngleAxis(-aa.theta, aa.axis_x, aa.axis_y, aa.axis_z)
@inline Base.:^(aa::AngleAxis, t::Real) = AngleAxis(aa.theta*t, aa.axis_x, aa.axis_y, aa.axis_z)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ params(aa::RotationVec) = SVector{3}(,,
@inline RotationVec(x::X, y::Y, z::Z) where {X,Y,Z} = RotationVec{promote_type(promote_type(X, Y), Z)}(x, y, z)

# These functions are enough to satisfy the entire StaticArrays interface:
@inline (::Type{RV})(t::NTuple{9}) where {RV <: RotationVec} = RV(UnitQuaternion(t)) # TODO: go through AngleAxis once it's faster
@inline Base.getindex(aa::RotationVec, i::Int) = UnitQuaternion(aa)[i]
@inline Base.Tuple(rv::RotationVec) = Tuple(UnitQuaternion(rv))
@inline (::Type{RV})(t::NTuple{9}) where {RV <: RotationVec} = RV(QuatRotation(t)) # TODO: go through AngleAxis once it's faster
@inline Base.getindex(aa::RotationVec, i::Int) = QuatRotation(aa)[i]
@inline Base.Tuple(rv::RotationVec) = Tuple(QuatRotation(rv))

function (::Type{AA})(rv::RotationVec) where AA <: AngleAxis
# TODO: consider how to deal with derivative near theta = 0. There should be a first-order expansion here.
Expand All @@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ function (::Type{RV})(aa::AngleAxis) where RV <: RotationVec
return RV(aa.theta * aa.axis_x, aa.theta * aa.axis_y, aa.theta * aa.axis_z)

function (::Type{Q})(rv::RotationVec) where Q <: UnitQuaternion
return UnitQuaternion(AngleAxis(rv))
function (::Type{Q})(rv::RotationVec) where Q <: QuatRotation
return QuatRotation(AngleAxis(rv))

(::Type{RV})(q::UnitQuaternion) where {RV <: RotationVec} = RV(AngleAxis(q))
(::Type{RV})(q::QuatRotation) where {RV <: RotationVec} = RV(AngleAxis(q))

function Base.:*(rv::RotationVec{T1}, v::StaticVector{3, T2}) where {T1,T2}
theta = rotation_angle(rv)
Expand All @@ -195,15 +195,15 @@ function Base.:*(rv::RotationVec{T1}, v::StaticVector{3, T2}) where {T1,T2}

@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::Rotation) = UnitQuaternion(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::RotMatrix) = UnitQuaternion(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::MRP) = UnitQuaternion(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::AngleAxis) = UnitQuaternion(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(r::Rotation, rv::RotationVec) = r * UnitQuaternion(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::RotMatrix, rv::RotationVec) = r * UnitQuaternion(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::MRP, rv::RotationVec) = r * UnitQuaternion(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::AngleAxis, rv::RotationVec) = r * UnitQuaternion(rv)
@inline Base.:*(rv1::RotationVec, rv2::RotationVec) = UnitQuaternion(rv1) * UnitQuaternion(rv2)
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::Rotation) = QuatRotation(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::RotMatrix) = QuatRotation(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::MRP) = QuatRotation(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(rv::RotationVec, r::AngleAxis) = QuatRotation(rv) * r
@inline Base.:*(r::Rotation, rv::RotationVec) = r * QuatRotation(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::RotMatrix, rv::RotationVec) = r * QuatRotation(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::MRP, rv::RotationVec) = r * QuatRotation(rv)
@inline Base.:*(r::AngleAxis, rv::RotationVec) = r * QuatRotation(rv)
@inline Base.:*(rv1::RotationVec, rv2::RotationVec) = QuatRotation(rv1) * QuatRotation(rv2)

@inline Base.inv(rv::RotationVec) = RotationVec(,,
@inline Base.:^(rv::RotationVec, t::Real) = RotationVec(*t,*t,*t)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core_types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function Random.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Random.SamplerType{R}) where R <: Rotat
T = Float64

q = UnitQuaternion(randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T))
q = QuatRotation(randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T), randn(rng, T))
return R(q)

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11 changes: 2 additions & 9 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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@@ -1,9 +1,2 @@

# Deprecate RodriguesVec => RotationVec
Base.@deprecate_binding RodriguesVec RotationVec true

# Deprecate Quat => UnitQuaternion
Base.@deprecate_binding Quat UnitQuaternion true

# Deprecate SPQuat => MRP
Base.@deprecate_binding SPQuat MRP true
# Deprecate UnitQuaternion => QuatRotation
Base.@deprecate_binding UnitQuaternion QuatRotation true
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/derivatives.jl
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ to the output parameterization, centered at the value of R.
jacobian(R::rotation_type, X::AbstractVector)
Returns the jacobian for rotating the vector X by R.
function jacobian(::Type{RotMatrix}, q::UnitQuaternion)
function jacobian(::Type{RotMatrix}, q::QuatRotation)
w = q.q.s
x = q.q.v1
y = q.q.v2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ end
function jacobian(::Type{RotMatrix}, X::MRP)

# get the derivatives of the quaternion w.r.t to the mrp
dQdX = jacobian(UnitQuaternion, X)
dQdX = jacobian(QuatRotation, X)

# get the derivatives of the rotation matrix w.r.t to the mrp
dRdQ = jacobian(RotMatrix, UnitQuaternion(X))
dRdQ = jacobian(RotMatrix, QuatRotation(X))

# and return
return dRdQ * dQdX
Expand All @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end

function jacobian(::Type{UnitQuaternion}, X::MRP)
function jacobian(::Type{QuatRotation}, X::MRP)

# differentiating
# q = Quaternion((1-alpha2) / (alpha2 + 1), 2*X.x / (alpha2 + 1), 2*X.y / (alpha2 + 1), 2*X.z / (alpha2 + 1), true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ end
# Jacobian converting from a Quaternion to an MRP
function jacobian(::Type{MRP}, q::UnitQuaternion{T}) where T
function jacobian(::Type{MRP}, q::QuatRotation{T}) where T
w = q.q.s
x = q.q.v1
y = q.q.v2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ end

# TODO: should this be jacobian(:rotate, q, X) # or something?
function jacobian(q::UnitQuaternion, X::AbstractVector)
function jacobian(q::QuatRotation, X::AbstractVector)
w = q.q.s
x = q.q.v1
y = q.q.v2
Expand All @@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ function jacobian(q::UnitQuaternion, X::AbstractVector)

function jacobian(spq::MRP, X::AbstractVector)
dQ = jacobian(UnitQuaternion, spq)
q = UnitQuaternion(spq)
dQ = jacobian(QuatRotation, spq)
q = QuatRotation(spq)
return jacobian(q, X) * dQ

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