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Inexact Krylov for linear response #1027

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base: master
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201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions examples/inexact_Krylov.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# test inexact GMRES for linear response
using ASEconvert
using DFTK
using JLD2
using LinearMaps
using LinearAlgebra
using Printf
using Dates
using Random
using ForwardDiff


println("------ Setting up model ... ------")
repeat = 2
mixing = KerkerMixing()
tol = 1e-12
Ecut =15
kgrid =(1, 3, 3)

system ="Al", cubic=true) * pytuple((repeat, 1, 1))
system = pyconvert(AbstractSystem, system)
system = attach_psp(system; Al="hgh/pbe/Al-q3")
model = model_PBE(system, temperature=0.001, symmetries=false)
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=Ecut, kgrid=kgrid)
println(show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), basis))
println("------ Running SCF ... ------")
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis; tol=tol, mixing=mixing)

println("------ Computing rhs ... ------")
ρ, ψ, ham, basis, occupation, εF, eigenvalues = scfres.ρ, scfres.ψ, scfres.ham, scfres.basis, scfres.occupation, scfres.εF, scfres.eigenvalues
num_kpoints = length(basis.kpoints)
positions = model.positions
lattice = model.lattice
atoms = model.atoms
R = [zeros(3) for pos in positions]
for iR in 1:length(R)
R[iR] = -ones(3) + 2 * rand(3)
function V1(ε)
T = typeof(ε)
pos = positions + ε * R
modelV = Model(Matrix{T}(lattice), atoms, pos; model_name="potential",
terms=[DFTK.AtomicLocal(), DFTK.AtomicNonlocal()], symmetries=false)
basisV = PlaneWaveBasis(modelV; Ecut, kgrid)
jambon = Hamiltonian(basisV)
δV = ForwardDiff.derivative(V1, 0.0)
println("||δV|| = ", norm(δV))
δρ0 = apply_χ0(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues, δV; tol=1e-16)
println("||δρ0|| = ", norm(δρ0))

# setup's for running inexact GMRES for linear response
adaptive=true # other options: "D10", "D100", "D10_n" for fixed CG tolerances
CG_tol_scale_choice="hdmd" # other options: "agr", "hdmd", "grt", with increasingly tighter CG tolerances (i.e., gives more accurate results)
precon = false
restart = 20
maxiter = 100
tol = 1e-9

apply_χ0_info = DFTK.get_apply_χ0_info(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues; CG_tol_type= (adaptive == true) ? CG_tol_scale_choice : "plain")
CG_tol_scale = apply_χ0_info.CG_tol_scale
Nocc_ks = [length(CG_tol_scale[ik]) for ik in 1:num_kpoints]
Nocc = sum(Nocc_ks)

# The actual computations are only several lines of code
# most of the code here is for printing, debugging, and saving intermediate results
# maybe they should be wrapped in chi0.jl and use a verbose flag to control printing
normδV_all = Float64[]
tol_sternheimer_all = Float64[]
CG_niters_all = Vector{Vector{Int64}}[]
CG_xs_all = Vector{Vector{Any}}[]

inds = [0, 1, 1] # i, ik, n

function sternheimer_callback(CG_niters, CG_xs)
function callback(info)
if inds[3] > Nocc_ks[inds[2]]
inds[3] = 1
inds[2] += 1
CG_niters[inds[2]][inds[3]] = info.res.n_iter
push!(CG_xs[inds[2]], info.res.x)
inds[3] += 1

pack(δρ) = vec(δρ)
unpack(δρ) = reshape(δρ, size(ρ))

function operators_a(tol_sternheimer)
function eps_fun(δρ)
δρ = unpack(δρ)
δV = apply_kernel(basis, δρ; ρ)

inds[1] += 1
inds[2:3] = [1, 1]
push!(normδV_all, norm(DFTK.symmetrize_ρ(basis, δV)))
if adaptive == true && CG_tol_scale_choice == "grt"
tol_sternheimer = tol_sternheimer ./ (2*normδV_all[end])
push!(tol_sternheimer_all, tol_sternheimer)
CG_niters = [zeros(Int64, Nocc_ks[i]) for i in 1:num_kpoints]
CG_xs = [ [] for _ in 1:num_kpoints ]

println("---- τ_CG's used for each Sternheimer equation (row) of each k-point (column) ----")
τ_CG_table = [max.(0.5*eps(Float64), tol_sternheimer ./ CG_tol_scale[ik]) for ik in 1:num_kpoints]
@printf("| %-7s ", "k-point")
for n in 1:maximum(Nocc_ks)
@printf("| %-8d ", n)
for (k, row) in enumerate(τ_CG_table)
@printf("| %-7d ", k)
for τ in row[1:end]
@printf("| %-8.2e ", τ)
@printf("| %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s |\n", "τ_i", "min τ_CG", "mean τ_CG", "max τ_CG")
@printf("| %-10.3e | %-10.3e | %-10.3e | %-10.3e |\n\n", tol_sternheimer, minimum(reduce(vcat, τ_CG_table)), exp(sum(log.(reduce(vcat, τ_CG_table)))/Nocc), maximum(reduce(vcat, τ_CG_table)))

t1 =
χ0δV = apply_χ0(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues, δV; tol=tol_sternheimer, callback=sternheimer_callback(CG_niters,CG_xs), apply_χ0_info=apply_χ0_info)
t2 =

push!(CG_niters_all, CG_niters)
push!(CG_xs_all, CG_xs)
println("no. CG iters for each Sternheimer equation (row) of each k-point (column):")
@printf("| %-7s ", "k-point")
for n in 1:maximum(Nocc_ks)
@printf("| %-3d ", n)
for (k, row) in enumerate(CG_niters)
@printf("| %-7d ", k)
for niters in row[1:end]
@printf("| %-3d ", niters)
@printf("| %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-10s |\n", "min", "mean", "max", "sum", "total")
@printf("| %-10d | %-10.3f | %-10d | %-10d | %-10d |\n\n", minimum(reduce(vcat, CG_niters)), sum(reduce(vcat, CG_niters)) / Nocc, maximum(reduce(vcat, CG_niters)), sum(reduce(vcat, CG_niters)), sum(sum.(sum(CG_niters_all))))
println("χ0Time = ", canonicalize(t2 - t1), ", time now: ", Dates.format(t2, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"))
#println("ave CG iters = ", sum(reduce(vcat, CG_niters)) / Nocc)

if precon
return pack(DFTK.mix_density(mixing, basis, δρ - χ0δV))
return pack(δρ - χ0δV)
return LinearMap(eps_fun, prod(size(δρ0)))

println("----- running GMRES: tol=", tol, ", restart=", restart, ", adaptive=", adaptive, ", CG_tol_scale_choice=", CG_tol_scale_choice, " -----")
Pδρ0 = δρ0
if precon
Pδρ0 = DFTK.mix_density(mixing, basis, δρ0)
println("||Pδρ0|| = ", norm(Pδρ0))
# if the first argument of DFTK.gmres is a function, then each iteration the effective matrix is changed (here, due to inexactly computed mat-vec products)
# if the first argument of DFTK.gmres is a matrix, then the matrix is fixed
if adaptive == "D10"
results_a = DFTK.gmres(operators_a(tol / 10), pack(Pδρ0); restart=restart, tol=tol, verbose=1, debug=true, maxiter=maxiter)
elseif adaptive == "D10_n"
results_a = DFTK.gmres(operators_a(tol / 10 / norm(Pδρ0)), pack(Pδρ0); restart=restart, tol=tol, verbose=1, debug=true, maxiter=maxiter)
elseif adaptive == "D100"
results_a = DFTK.gmres(operators_a(tol / 100), pack(Pδρ0); restart=restart, tol=tol, verbose=1, debug=true, maxiter=maxiter)
elseif adaptive == true
results_a = DFTK.gmres(operators_a, pack(Pδρ0); restart=restart, tol=tol, verbose=1, debug=true, maxiter=maxiter)
error("Invalid adaptive choice")

# define the "exact" application of the dielectric adjoint operator
# by using very tight CG tolerances
# this is also how `eps_fun` should have looked like after removing all the printing and debugging code...
function eps_fun_exact(δρ)
normδρ = norm(δρ)
δρ = δρ ./ normδρ
δρ = unpack(δρ)
δV = apply_kernel(basis, δρ; ρ)

χ0δV = apply_χ0(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues, δV; tol=1e-16)
pack(δρ - χ0δV) .* normδρ

println("true residual = ", norm(eps_fun_exact(results_a.x[:, end]) - pack(δρ0)), "\n")
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/DFTK.jl
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Expand Up @@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ include("postprocess/dos.jl")
export compute_χ0
export apply_χ0
export compute_current
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113 changes: 104 additions & 9 deletions src/response/chi0.jl
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callback=identity, cg_callback=identity,
ψk_extra=zeros_like(ψk, size(ψk, 1), 0), εk_extra=zeros(0),
Hψk_extra=zeros_like(ψk, size(ψk, 1), 0), tol=1e-9)
# do not use tol smaller than eps(T)/2
tol = max(0.5*eps(eltype(ε)), tol)

basis = Hk.basis
kpoint = Hk.kpoint

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For phonon, `δHψ[ik]` is ``δH·ψ_{k-q}``, expressed in `basis.kpoints[ik]`.
function compute_δψ!(δψ, basis::PlaneWaveBasis{T}, H, ψ, εF, ε, δHψ, ε_minus_q=ε;
ψ_extra=[zeros_like(ψk, size(ψk,1), 0) for ψk in ψ],
q=zero(Vec3{T}), kwargs_sternheimer...) where {T}
ψ_extra=[zeros_like(ψk, size(ψk,1), 0) for ψk in ψ], q=zero(Vec3{T}),
CG_tol_scale=nothing, kwargs_sternheimer...) where {T}
# We solve the Sternheimer equation
# (H_k - ε_{n,k-q}) δψ_{n,k} = - (1 - P_{k}) δHψ_{n, k-q},
# where P_{k} is the projector on ψ_{k} and with the conventions:
Expand All @@ -307,6 +310,10 @@
smearing = model.smearing
filled_occ = filled_occupation(model)

flag = !isnothing(CG_tol_scale)
if flag
tol_sternheimer = kwargs_sternheimer[:tol]
# Compute δψnk band per band
for ik = 1:length(ψ)
Hk = H[ik]
Expand All @@ -333,7 +340,10 @@
δψk[:, n] .+= ψk[:, m] .* αmn .* dot(ψk[:, m], δHψ[ik][:, n])

# Sternheimer contribution
# Sternheimer contribution with adaptive CG tolerance
if flag
kwargs_sternheimer = merge(kwargs_sternheimer, Dict(:tol => tol_sternheimer / CG_tol_scale[ik][n]))
δψk[:, n] .+= sternheimer_solver(Hk, ψk, εk_minus_q[n], δHψ[ik][:, n]; ψk_extra,
εk_extra, Hψk_extra, kwargs_sternheimer...)
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(; δψ, δoccupation, δεF)

function get_apply_χ0_info(ham, ψ, occupation, εF::T, eigenvalues;
q=zero(Vec3{eltype(ham.basis)}),CG_tol_type="hdmd") where {T}

CG_tol_type = lowercase(string(CG_tol_type))

basis = ham.basis
num_kpoints = length(basis.kpoints)
k_to_k_minus_q = k_to_kpq_permutation(basis, -q)

mask_occ = map(occk -> findall(occnk -> abs(occnk) ≥ occupation_threshold, occk), occupation)
mask_extra = map(occk -> findall(occnk -> abs(occnk) < occupation_threshold, occk), occupation)

ψ_occ = [ψ[ik][:, maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_occ)]
ψ_extra = [ψ[ik][:, maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_extra)]
ε_occ = [eigenvalues[ik][maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_occ)]

ε_minus_q_occ = [eigenvalues[k_to_k_minus_q[ik]][mask_occ[k_to_k_minus_q[ik]]]
for ik = 1:num_kpoints]

Nocc_ks = [length(ε_occ[ik]) for ik in 1:num_kpoints]
Nocc = sum(Nocc_ks)

# compute CG_tol_scale
fn_occ = [occupation[ik][maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_occ)]
if CG_tol_type == "hdmd"
CG_tol_scale = [fn_occ[ik] * basis.kweights[ik] for ik in 1:num_kpoints] * Nocc * sqrt(prod(basis.fft_size)) / basis.model.unit_cell_volume
elseif CG_tol_type == "grt"
kcoef = zeros(num_kpoints)
for k in 1:num_kpoints
accum = zeros(basis.fft_size)
for n in 1:Nocc_ks[k]
accum += (abs2.(real.(ifft(basis, basis.kpoints[k], ψ[k][:, n]))))
kcoef[k] = sqrt(maximum(accum)) * basis.kweights[k]

Check warning on line 438 in src/response/chi0.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L430 - L438 were not covered by tests

CG_tol_scale = [fn_occ[ik] * kcoef[ik] for ik in 1:num_kpoints] * sqrt(Nocc) * sqrt(prod(basis.fft_size)) / sqrt(basis.model.unit_cell_volume)

Check warning on line 440 in src/response/chi0.jl

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Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L440 was not covered by tests
CG_tol_scale = [[1.0 for _ in 1:Nocc_ks[ik]] for ik in 1:num_kpoints]
if !occursin(CG_tol_type, "agrplain1.0")
@warn("CG_tol_type is not recognized, set CG_tol_scale to 1.0 for all bands")

Check warning on line 444 in src/response/chi0.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L442 - L444 were not covered by tests

(; k_to_k_minus_q, mask_occ, ψ_occ, ψ_extra, ε_occ, ε_minus_q_occ, CG_tol_scale)

@views @timing function apply_χ0_4P(ham, occupation, εF, δHψ, apply_χ0_info::NamedTuple;

Check warning on line 451 in src/response/chi0.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L451 was not covered by tests
q=zero(Vec3{eltype(ham.basis)}), kwargs_sternheimer...)

basis = ham.basis
mask_occ = apply_χ0_info.mask_occ
k_to_k_minus_q = apply_χ0_info.k_to_k_minus_q
ψ_occ = apply_χ0_info.ψ_occ
ε_occ = apply_χ0_info.ε_occ

δHψ_minus_q_occ = [δHψ[ik][:, mask_occ[k_to_k_minus_q[ik]]] for ik = 1:length(basis.kpoints)]

δoccupation = zero.(occupation)
if iszero(q)
δocc_occ = [δoccupation[ik][maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_occ)]
(; δεF) = compute_δocc!(δocc_occ, basis, ψ_occ, εF, ε_occ, δHψ_minus_q_occ)
# When δH is not periodic, δH ψnk is a Bloch wave at k+q and ψnk at k,
# so that δεnk = <ψnk|δH|ψnk> = 0 and there is no occupation shift
δεF = zero(εF)

Check warning on line 469 in src/response/chi0.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L469 was not covered by tests

# Then we compute δψ (again in-place into a zero-padded array) with elements of
# `basis.kpoints` that are equivalent to `k+q`.
δψ = zero.(δHψ)
δψ_occ = [δψ[ik][:, maskk] for (ik, maskk) in enumerate(mask_occ[k_to_k_minus_q])]
compute_δψ!(δψ_occ, ham.basis, ham.blocks, ψ_occ, εF, ε_occ, δHψ_minus_q_occ, apply_χ0_info.ε_minus_q_occ;
apply_χ0_info.ψ_extra, q, apply_χ0_info.CG_tol_scale, kwargs_sternheimer...)

(; δψ, δoccupation, δεF)

Get the density variation δρ corresponding to a potential variation δV.
function apply_χ0(ham, ψ, occupation, εF::T, eigenvalues, δV::AbstractArray{TδV};
q=zero(Vec3{eltype(ham.basis)}), kwargs_sternheimer...) where {T, TδV}
occupation_threshold=default_occupation_threshold(TδV), q=zero(Vec3{eltype(ham.basis)}),
apply_χ0_info=nothing, kwargs_sternheimer...) where {T, TδV}

basis = ham.basis

Expand All @@ -414,15 +503,21 @@
# For phonon calculations, assemble
# δHψ_k = δV_{q} · ψ_{k-q}.
δHψ = multiply_ψ_by_blochwave(basis, ψ, δV, q)
(; δψ, δoccupation) = apply_χ0_4P(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues, δHψ;
occupation_threshold, q, kwargs_sternheimer...)
if isnothing(apply_χ0_info)
(; δψ, δoccupation) = apply_χ0_4P(ham, ψ, occupation, εF, eigenvalues, δHψ;
occupation_threshold, q, kwargs_sternheimer...)
(; δψ, δoccupation) = apply_χ0_4P(ham, occupation, εF, δHψ, apply_χ0_info;
q, kwargs_sternheimer...)

δρ = compute_δρ(basis, ψ, δψ, occupation, δoccupation; occupation_threshold, q)

δρ * normδV

function apply_χ0(scfres, δV; kwargs_sternheimer...)
function apply_χ0(scfres, δV; apply_χ0_info=nothing, kwargs_sternheimer...)
apply_χ0(scfres.ham, scfres.ψ, scfres.occupation, scfres.εF, scfres.eigenvalues, δV;
scfres.occupation_threshold, kwargs_sternheimer...)
apply_χ0_info=apply_χ0_info, kwargs_sternheimer...)