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Merge pull request #478 from JuliaRobotics/tk/baumgarte-2
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Add Baumgarte stabilization.
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tkoolen authored Aug 17, 2018
2 parents 5c37856 + 2b68927 commit d9f5cc6
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Showing 7 changed files with 199 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ deploydocs(
repo = "",
target = "build",
make = nothing,
julia = "0.6",
julia = "1.0",
osname = "linux"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Current functionality of RigidBodyDynamics includes:
* dynamics
* simulation, either using an off-the-shelf ODE integrator or using an included custom Munthe-Kaas integrator that properly handles second-order ODEs defined on a manifold.

There is currently partial support for closed-loop systems (parallel mechanisms). Support for contact is very limited (possibly subject to major changes in the future), implemented using penalty methods.
Closed-loop systems (parallel mechanisms) are supported, with optional Baumgarte stabilization of the loop joint constraints. Support for contact is very limited (possibly subject to major changes in the future), implemented using penalty methods.

## Installation

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/RigidBodyDynamics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ using .Spatial # contains additional functions that are reexported
using .CustomCollections
using .Contact
using .Graphs
using .PDControl

import .Spatial: rotation, translation, transform, center_of_mass, newton_euler, kinetic_energy

Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/custom_collections.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module CustomCollections

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +69,17 @@ Base.@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::ConstVector, i::Int) = (@boundscheck c
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:ConstVector}) = IndexLinear()

## ConstDict
An immutable `AbstractDict` for which the value is the same, no matter what the key is.
struct ConstDict{K, V} <: AbstractDict{K, V}
ConstDict{K}(val::V) where {K, V} = new{K, V}(val)
Base.getindex(d::ConstDict{K}, key) where K = d.val

## NullDict
Expand Down
80 changes: 70 additions & 10 deletions src/mechanism_algorithms.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -621,16 +621,67 @@ function constraint_jacobian!(result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState)
constraint_jacobian!(result.constraintjacobian, result.constraintrowranges, state)

function constraint_bias!(bias::SegmentedVector, state::MechanismState)
Return the default Baumgarte constraint stabilization gains. These gains result in
critical damping, and correspond to ``T_{stab} = 0.1`` in Featherstone (2008), section 8.3.
function default_constraint_stabilization_gains(scalartype::Type{T}) where T
ConstDict{JointID}(SE3PDGains(PDGains(T(100), T(20)), PDGains(T(100), T(20))))

const stabilization_gains_doc = """
The `stabilization_gains` keyword argument can be used to set PD gains for Baumgarte
stabilization, which can be used to prevent separation of non-tree (loop) joints.
See Featherstone (2008), section 8.3 for more information. There are several options
for specifying gains:
* `nothing` can be used to completely disable Baumgarte stabilization.
* Gains can be specifed on a per-joint basis using any `AbstractDict{JointID, <:RigidBodyDynamics.PDControl.SE3PDGains}`,
which maps the `JointID` for the non-tree joints of the mechanism to the gains for that joint.
* As a special case of the second option, the same gains can be used for all joints
by passing in a `RigidBodyDynamics.CustomCollections.ConstDict{JointID}`.
The [`default_constraint_stabilization_gains`](@ref) function is called to produce the default gains,
which use the last option.

function constraint_bias!(bias::SegmentedVector, state::MechanismState{X};
stabilization_gains::Union{AbstractDict{JointID, <:SE3PDGains}, Nothing}=default_constraint_stabilization_gains(X)) where X
constraint_wrench_subspaces =
@inbounds for nontreejointid in state.nontreejointids
path = state.constraint_jacobian_structure[nontreejointid]
for nontreejointid in state.nontreejointids
predid, succid = predsucc(nontreejointid, state)
crossterm = twist_wrt_world(state, succid, false) × twist_wrt_world(state, predid, false)
biasaccel = crossterm + (-bias_acceleration(state, predid, false) + bias_acceleration(state, succid, false)) # 8.47 in Featherstone

predtwist = twist_wrt_world(state, predid, false)
succtwist = twist_wrt_world(state, succid, false)
crossterm = succtwist × predtwist

succbias = bias_acceleration(state, succid, false)
predbias = bias_acceleration(state, predid, false)
jointbias = -predbias + succbias

biasaccel = crossterm + jointbias # what's inside parentheses in 8.47 in Featherstone

if stabilization_gains !== nothing
# TODO: make this nicer (less manual frame juggling and no manual transformations)
jointtransform = joint_transform(state, nontreejointid, false)
jointtwist = -predtwist + succtwist
jointtwist = Twist(jointtransform.from,, jointtwist.frame, jointtwist.angular, jointtwist.linear) # make frames line up
successor_to_root = transform_to_root(state, jointtransform.from) # TODO: expensive
jointtwist = transform(jointtwist, inv(successor_to_root)) # twist needs to be in successor frame for pd method
stabaccel = pd(stabilization_gains[nontreejointid], jointtransform, jointtwist, SE3PDMethod{:Linearized}()) # in successor frame
stabaccel = SpatialAcceleration(stabaccel.body, stabaccel.base, biasaccel.frame,
Spatial.transform_spatial_motion(stabaccel.angular, stabaccel.linear,
rotation(successor_to_root), translation(successor_to_root))...) # back to world frame. TODO: ugly way to do this
stabaccel = SpatialAcceleration(biasaccel.body, biasaccel.body, stabaccel.frame, stabaccel.angular, stabaccel.linear) # make frames line up
@inbounds biasaccel = biasaccel + -stabaccel

for cindex in constraint_range(state, nontreejointid)
Tcol = constraint_wrench_subspaces[cindex]
# TODO: make nicer:
Expand All @@ -640,7 +691,11 @@ function constraint_bias!(bias::SegmentedVector, state::MechanismState)
constraint_bias!(result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState) = constraint_bias!(result.constraintbias, state)

function constraint_bias!(result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState{X};
stabilization_gains::Union{AbstractDict{JointID, <:SE3PDGains}, Nothing}=default_constraint_stabilization_gains(X)) where X
constraint_bias!(result.constraintbias, state)

function contact_dynamics!(result::DynamicsResult{T, M}, state::MechanismState{X, M, C}) where {X, M, C, T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,6 +841,7 @@ function dynamics_solve!(result::DynamicsResult{T, S}, τ::AbstractVector{T}) wh

Expand All @@ -803,10 +859,13 @@ given joint configuration vector ``q``, joint velocity vector ``v``, and
The `externalwrenches` argument can be used to specify additional
wrenches that act on the `Mechanism`'s bodies.
function dynamics!(result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState{X},
torques::AbstractVector = ConstVector(zero(X), num_velocities(state)),
externalwrenches::AbstractDict{BodyID, <:Wrench} = NullDict{BodyID, Wrench{X}}()) where X
externalwrenches::AbstractDict{BodyID, <:Wrench} = NullDict{BodyID, Wrench{X}}();
stabilization_gains=default_constraint_stabilization_gains(X)) where X
configuration_derivative!(result.q̇, state)
contact_dynamics!(result, state)
for jointid in state.treejointids
Expand All @@ -818,7 +877,7 @@ function dynamics!(result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState{X},
mass_matrix!(result, state)
if has_loops(state.mechanism)
constraint_jacobian!(result, state)
constraint_bias!(result, state)
constraint_bias!(result, state; stabilization_gains=stabilization_gains)
dynamics_solve!(result, parent(torques))
Expand All @@ -841,9 +900,10 @@ and returns a `Vector` ``\\dot{x}``.
function dynamics!(ẋ::StridedVector{X},
result::DynamicsResult, state::MechanismState{X}, x::AbstractVector{X},
torques::AbstractVector = ConstVector(zero(X), num_velocities(state)),
externalwrenches::AbstractDict{BodyID, <:Wrench} = NullDict{BodyID, Wrench{X}}()) where X
externalwrenches::AbstractDict{BodyID, <:Wrench} = NullDict{BodyID, Wrench{X}}();
stabilization_gains=default_constraint_stabilization_gains(X)) where X
copyto!(state, x)
dynamics!(result, state, torques, externalwrenches)
dynamics!(result, state, torques, externalwrenches; stabilization_gains=stabilization_gains)
copyto!(ẋ, result)
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions src/simulate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,19 +28,24 @@ end
The integration time step can be specified using the `Δt` keyword argument (defaults to `1e-4`).
Uses `MuntheKaasIntegrator`. See [`RigidBodyDynamics.OdeIntegrators.MuntheKaasIntegrator`](@ref) for a lower
level interface with more options.
function simulate(state0::MechanismState, final_time, control! = zero_torque!; Δt = 1e-4)
function simulate(state0::MechanismState{X}, final_time, control! = zero_torque!;
Δt = 1e-4, stabilization_gains=default_constraint_stabilization_gains(X)) where X
T = cache_eltype(state0)
result = DynamicsResult{T}(state0.mechanism)
control_torques = similar(velocity(state0))
closed_loop_dynamics! = (v̇::AbstractArray, ṡ::AbstractArray, t, state) -> begin
control!(control_torques, t, state)
dynamics!(result, state, control_torques)
copyto!(v̇, result.v̇)
copyto!(ṡ, result.ṡ)
closed_loop_dynamics! = let result=result, control_torques=control_torques, stabilization_gains=stabilization_gains #
function (v̇::AbstractArray, ṡ::AbstractArray, t, state)
control!(control_torques, t, state)
dynamics!(result, state, control_torques; stabilization_gains=stabilization_gains)
copyto!(v̇, result.v̇)
copyto!(ṡ, result.ṡ)
tableau = runge_kutta_4(T)
storage = ExpandingStorage{T}(state0, ceil(Int64, final_time / Δt * 1.001)) # very rough overestimate of number of time steps
Expand Down
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions test/test_simulate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,4 +123,106 @@

@testset "four-bar linkage" begin
# gravitational acceleration
g = -9.81

# link lengths
l_0 = 1.10
l_1 = 0.5
l_2 = 1.20
l_3 = 0.75

# link masses
m_1 = 0.5
m_2 = 1.0
m_3 = 0.75

# link center of mass offsets from the preceding joint axes
c_1 = 0.25
c_2 = 0.60
c_3 = 0.375

# moments of inertia about the center of mass of each link
I_1 = 0.333
I_2 = 0.537
I_3 = 0.4

# scalar type
T = Float64

# Rotation axis: negative y-axis
axis = SVector(zero(T), -one(T), zero(T))

world = RigidBody{T}("world")
mechanism = Mechanism(world; gravity = SVector(0., 0., g))
rootframe = root_frame(mechanism)

# link1 and joint1
joint1 = Joint("joint1", Revolute(axis))
inertia1 = SpatialInertia(CartesianFrame3D("inertia1_centroidal"), I_1*axis*axis', zero(SVector{3, T}), m_1)
link1 = RigidBody(inertia1)
before_joint1_to_world = one(Transform3D, frame_before(joint1), default_frame(world))
c1_to_joint = Transform3D(inertia1.frame, frame_after(joint1), SVector(c_1, 0, 0))
attach!(mechanism, world, link1, joint1, joint_pose = before_joint1_to_world, successor_pose = c1_to_joint)

# link2 and joint2
joint2 = Joint("joint2", Revolute(axis))
inertia2 = SpatialInertia(CartesianFrame3D("inertia2_centroidal"), I_2*axis*axis', zero(SVector{3, T}), m_2)
link2 = RigidBody(inertia2)
before_joint2_to_after_joint1 = Transform3D(frame_before(joint2), frame_after(joint1), SVector(l_1, 0., 0.))
c2_to_joint = Transform3D(inertia2.frame, frame_after(joint2), SVector(c_2, 0, 0))
attach!(mechanism, link1, link2, joint2, joint_pose = before_joint2_to_after_joint1, successor_pose = c2_to_joint)

# link3 and joint3
joint3 = Joint("joint3", Revolute(axis))
inertia3 = SpatialInertia(CartesianFrame3D("inertia3_centroidal"), I_3*axis*axis', zero(SVector{3, T}), m_3)
link3 = RigidBody(inertia3)
before_joint3_to_world = Transform3D(frame_before(joint3), default_frame(world), SVector(l_0, 0., 0.))
c3_to_joint = Transform3D(inertia3.frame, frame_after(joint3), SVector(c_3, 0, 0))
attach!(mechanism, world, link3, joint3, joint_pose = before_joint3_to_world, successor_pose = c3_to_joint)

# loop joint between link2 and link3
joint4 = Joint("joint4", Revolute(axis))
before_joint4_to_joint2 = Transform3D(frame_before(joint4), frame_after(joint2), SVector(l_2, 0., 0.))
joint3_to_after_joint4 = Transform3D(frame_after(joint3), frame_after(joint4), SVector(-l_3, 0., 0.))
attach!(mechanism, link2, link3, joint4, joint_pose = before_joint4_to_joint2, successor_pose = joint3_to_after_joint4)

# initial state
set_initial_state! = function (state::MechanismState)
# found through nonlinear optimization. Slightly inaccurate.
set_configuration!(state, joint1, 1.6707963267948966) # θ
set_configuration!(state, joint2, -1.4591054166649482) # γ
set_configuration!(state, joint3, 1.5397303602625536) # ϕ
set_velocity!(state, joint1, 0.5)
set_velocity!(state, joint2, -0.47295)
set_velocity!(state, joint3, 0.341)

# no stabilization
state = MechanismState(mechanism)
energy0 = gravitational_potential_energy(state)
ts, qs, vs = simulate(state, 1., Δt = 1e-3, stabilization_gains=nothing)
@test kinetic_energy(state) 0 atol=1e-2
energy1 = gravitational_potential_energy(state) + kinetic_energy(state)
@test energy0 energy1 atol=1e-8
@test transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_before(joint4)), rootframe)
transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_after(joint4)), rootframe) atol=1e-10 # no significant separation after a short simulation

# with default stabilization: start with some separation
set_configuration!(state, joint1, 1.7)
@test transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_before(joint4)), rootframe)
transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_after(joint4)), rootframe) atol=1e-2 # significant separation initially
simulate(state, 15., Δt = 1e-3)
@test transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_before(joint4)), rootframe)
transform(state, Point3D(Float64, frame_after(joint4)), rootframe) atol=1e-5 # reduced separation after 15 seconds
energy15 = gravitational_potential_energy(state) + kinetic_energy(state)
simulate(state, 10, Δt = 1e-3)
energy20 = gravitational_potential_energy(state) + kinetic_energy(state)
@test energy20 energy15 atol=1e-5 # stabilization doesn't significantly affect energy after converging

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