A Android style slide switch in pyqt5.
Found myself one day wanting a switch like Android's while doing a GUI in pyqt5. Found a usable one, but much could be imporved. Thus this project.
The original C++ code was posted by IMAN4K: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38102598
The original Python version was ported by Stefan Scherfke: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51825815
The following GIF is a demo from the appDemo.py
Main changes include, but are not limited to, the following.
Remove auto style change base on the values of track radius and thumb radius. Leave the decision to the user.
Softcode track opacity and thumb opacity.
Allow user defined colour palette.
Allow thumb text settings.
Allow thumb font size gain setting.
Allow slide animation setting.
Allow vertical direction.
Always center the thumb in relation to the track.